This is a Journal entry by Daily Llama
Daily Llama Started conversation Aug 18, 2005
Would it be illegal to harpoon the sad little person who keeps riding his hairdryer of a moped up and down my road at silly hours of the morning, hitting parked cars with his hand as he goes past to set off their alarms? I've lost a fair bit of sleep, I'm sure the courts would understand...
"Harpoon at the ready"
"Aye sir"
"Fire at will..."
"Aye aye!"
Johnny Voodoo, Lord of Badgerly Manor Posted Aug 25, 2005
A pit full of sharpened stakes might do the trick...?
Daily Llama Posted Aug 25, 2005
Hmm... great minds think alike... maybe in a vat of salt and vinegar solution???
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