This is a Journal entry by rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)
Evangeline Posted Jan 31, 2004
One of my co workers does wood working... I wonder what he would charge me for a fraternity paddle sort of thing, with *smack* routed into one side. Would you like one as well? It would be less stressful on your wrist than the usual backhand.
Evangeline Posted Jan 31, 2004
Will do...
Somehow, I suspect he might get several orders.
I would definitely campaign for a smiley...except, I don't think enough people would understand.
rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) Posted Jan 31, 2004
It really baffles me that "don't make me come smack you" doesn't seem to translate universally... lord knows I grew up hearing it!
Well, I think I'm going to wander off for a bit, the Helper frenzy seems to have died down for the moment. I should either go do something productive, or take a nap. Haven't decided which.
Catch ya later!
Evangeline Posted Jan 31, 2004
We could try our best to make that universally known, what a bit of infamy, that would be.
I would vote for the nap.
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Feb 2, 2004
I'd be glad to do my part for that bit of infamy. *Glares menacingly out of the corner of his eye, & says in a firm, rather foreboding tone* "Don't make me come over there & smack you - believe me you Don't want that!"
And yeah, I'm kinda leanin' toward the nap too, although "the ball's in your court there" Ranger! Hi both of you*waves & blows es*, how're things goin'? Bright, sunny late morning here...cold though...-25, which is a bit better than it has been.
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Feb 2, 2004
Oh, had meant to mention Ranger, if you've got yahoo messenger I'm on there as 'curryman56'.
rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) Posted Feb 3, 2004
-25 is BETTER?!?!?
Today was a train wreck, disaster from beginning to end. And my insurance is fighting against me getting more therapy for my hand!
Jazz, I do YAHOO some, but not often anymore. I go by rangerjustice. I'll look for you next time I sign on...
Evangeline Posted Feb 3, 2004
I split a medicinal caramel filled Green & Black's bar earlier today. And, a rum flavored macaroon, also for curative properties. My day was okay. Surprised I didn't fall asleep at work, though.
How was your day?
rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) Posted Feb 3, 2004
*grabs and
, retreats to the corner to devour them, snarling all the while*
Thanks, Evangeline, I needed that!
A morning full of bureaucratic snafus (including the insurance debate) culminated in an irate visitor coming in and yelling at me about what another ranger did to him at a park clear across the state. I tried to explain the situation, he leaned across the counter and started waving his arms at me while he yelled, and I just snapped.
Got right up in his face, told him (in a voice somewhere between a growl and a yell), "Sir, I suggest that you NOT get aggressive with me!" He backed up a full step, apologized, payed the fines he owed, apologized AGAIN, and left. My volunteer on duty said I looked ROYALLY p****d, and I guess the visitor agreed! I may get a complaint for rudeness, but I really don't care at this point.
If he hadn't closed in on me, I think I'd have coped. But when he started bulling up, I just lost it. Like somebody flipping a switch. If he'd pressed me any further, I honestly think I would have hit him.
Which we all know probably would have hurt me worse than him...
rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) Posted Feb 3, 2004
Hiya Jazz!
Glad your day went ok, Evangeline!
That simulpost probably gives you a good clue of how I'M doing
Evangeline Posted Feb 3, 2004
I can't believe, of all the uncalled for...
*steps outside*
*drags in a crate of liquor filled *
This is an extreme emergency. Here try these...
A complaint for rudeness? He's lucky to be alive.
Aren't you classified as a law enforcement officer?
Hitting him would hurt you more, depending on what you hit him with...
*bribes the carpenter to put a rush order on those paddles*
rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) Posted Feb 3, 2004
*eats more , which restores the will to live*
I am, indeed, a law enforcement officer, but I'm suspended from carrying defensive equipment since I haven't been able to do my firearms qualifications because of my arm. Or, in English, I wasn't wearing any weapons. If I'd started that fight, I most likely would have lost; he was 6' or a bit better, in good shape. At the very least, I'd have set back my recovery tremendously, even if I won.
You'd be amazed the things people complain about, if you irritate them, even if they have to make up pure fiction to do it. At a previous park, I actually had a family accuse me of picking up a 12 year old girl, flinging her against a truck, and leaving "a bruise" on her arm. Needless to say, I'd never touched the kid; if I had done what they accused me of, there'd have been a lot more damage than a bruise to show for it! I HAD ticketed two of her underage brothers for drinking alcohol in an alcohol prohibited area, not paying their fees, and a host of other infractions. Fortunately, they complained to State Police, and one of their officers was there for the whole thing, so the complaint got laughed out. If I hadn't had a credible witness, it could have gone against me, even though it was an outright lie.
Today I DID probably get mean with the guy quicker than I had to; should have tried one more round of diplomacy before I got in his face. Just didn't have it in me this morning.
Evangeline Posted Feb 3, 2004
Still, assault on a law enforcement officer was a felony last time I checked.
My brothers in law were/are police officers. One of my friends is married to a paramedic...the stories they've told...
You have been in pain for a long time. Of course you are going to be a bit out of sorts and short tempered. That doesn't excuse his behavior, though.
rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) Posted Feb 3, 2004
In general, I've actually held it together better than I thought possible the last few months. Dealing with the public is a strenuous task, as you well know, and I have a temper under GOOD circumstances. I've tried to be extra-aware of my attitude and behavior. Today was just the final straw.
If I'd done ANYTHING to deserve his anger, that would have made the critical difference. But I was just trying to help him resolve his problem without further consequences. Considering how submissive he was through the rest of the contact, hopefully he realized he was being a royal pain, and that will be that!
*has one more , decides she's properly medicated now*
Well, Evangeline my friend, I'm going to wander off for a bit, got a couple of phonecalls to make. Will probably see you after while, if you're still on. Thanks loads for the ,
, and sympathetic ear!!!!
They're all greatly appreciated!
Tomorrow I'll have an update on whether insurance decides that six weeks of complete immobilization and surgery justify a few therapy visits or not...
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Feb 3, 2004
Ah, the day went blissfully slow...but I've been procrastinating, got a load of laundry once thats in the washer I'll be back on awhile, until they have to go into the dryer.
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Feb 3, 2004
And actually I'll be here for awhile now...
Key: Complain about this post
- 181: Evangeline (Jan 31, 2004)
- 182: rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) (Jan 31, 2004)
- 183: Evangeline (Jan 31, 2004)
- 184: rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) (Jan 31, 2004)
- 185: Evangeline (Jan 31, 2004)
- 186: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Feb 2, 2004)
- 187: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Feb 2, 2004)
- 188: rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) (Feb 3, 2004)
- 189: Evangeline (Feb 3, 2004)
- 190: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Feb 3, 2004)
- 191: Evangeline (Feb 3, 2004)
- 192: rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) (Feb 3, 2004)
- 193: rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) (Feb 3, 2004)
- 194: Evangeline (Feb 3, 2004)
- 195: rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) (Feb 3, 2004)
- 196: Evangeline (Feb 3, 2004)
- 197: rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger) (Feb 3, 2004)
- 198: Evangeline (Feb 3, 2004)
- 199: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Feb 3, 2004)
- 200: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Feb 3, 2004)
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