This is a Journal entry by darakat - Now with pockets!

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 81

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Glad somebody understands. It really is stupid, and I definitely feel the need to tell it so quite clearly.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 82

darakat - Now with pockets!

Well I am here for you smiley - tongueout. I here your pain! smiley - tongueout. Well at least in comand line you don't have to worry about free() and double free() function errors... esspecaily when there are no calls to aforsaid functions. This is a inherit problem of C++ not java which has the same errors but they are actuly picked up by the compiler at complie time rather than by the terminal output or worse yet the error reporter,

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 83

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

But doesn't everybody love errors that aren't picked up by the compiler? It's even more fun when your program gets lost in the middle of running and you don't have any idea what happened.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 84

darakat - Now with pockets!

I certinaly don't I have one at the moment and its all that is stopping me form haveing practly no assignments at all for the rest of the holidays...

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 85

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

That's terrible. I most definitely sympathize with that one. Vacations are much better without work hanging over your head to put off. *Sends find-the-stupid-problem waves your way* I have like 2 weeks of total he!! to go through and then I'll be all done for the year, but first I have to survive projects and finals, ideally without turning nocturnal.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 86

darakat - Now with pockets!

There is nothing rong with turning nocturnal execpt perhaps the fact that I sware that last year when I was at University I dident get to look outside for 5 weeks stright. I was outside, I juts never took it in.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 87

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

I can definitely believe it. If they moved the engineering building but kept the views from the windows the same it would take me a few days to realize I was no longer in the same place I started out from. That would be a really dirty trick to play during finals week.

The problem with nocturnality is that really, I ended up sleeping from 10AM to 1PM, and 3 hours of sleep consistently is just not enough. It took me all summer to recover and of course my mom had certain issues with me not waking up until late afternoon. Silly of her, I know.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 88

darakat - Now with pockets!

Yes I have not even got that bad, howevere that is mostly due to the fact that at 1:00 in the morning I will usaly call it a night and give up.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 89

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

That's probably a sensible thing to do. I try to keep rules like that but exam week I tend to be concerned about things other than my immediate health. And also, if I know I'll have to be up all night studying, I prepare so that I don't crash during the exam, and can't get to sleep until way late in the next night if I'm not careful.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 90

darakat - Now with pockets!

Indeed but we have "exam month" 3 weeks of exams, and only 1 or two subject usealy have exams during this time so the rest of the time is study or sleep time smiley - tongueout.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 91

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Wow, I'm jealous! We have one week for finals, and one day off right before to study. Liberal arts majors tend to have one or two finals because all of their classes have a paper or project due at the end of classes,so they can party the rest of the time, but I have major exams Thursday, Friday, and Monday mornings, so it's going to be an interresting week and a half. This is when the danger starts because if you're up all night for the first one you're in trouble for the rest if you want to sleep.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 92

darakat - Now with pockets!

This reminds me of a old proverb "he/she who stay's up all night exepect to sleep soon".

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 93

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Exactly. Frequently during your first class.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 94

darakat - Now with pockets!

The number of times that I fell asleep in lectures is an uncountable number, mostly as I don't remeber going to sleep.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 95

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Amen to that one. I had one class where I think everyone who took it who even bothered to show up went directly to sleep. This includes the professors, too. It was this big interdepartmental thing, and proved that the more people contributing to a class, the bigger waste of time it id.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 96

darakat - Now with pockets!

It also probebl contributeds to contageous yawning that one of my classes had. The lecturer came in yawed and almost everone else was yawning in the next two minutes. It was just as if we couldednt stop yawning, it was werid.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 97

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Yeah, well everyone knows that yawns are contagious. If you can write that up credibly, you've just got yourself a brilliant science experiment.

Grrr, spent 5 hours in the lab working on a program for a project, and the problem turned out to be fixed by removing one stupid pound sign!!

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 98

darakat - Now with pockets!

I could right it up credably, but I am not doing science for the very reason that I don't have to write those damm reports.

Yes well, at least you can safely say you don''t have to undrstand MARC-21 format... It's just weird.... and has a lot of specail sybols... thousands of them.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 99

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Yes, I can definitely say that. And I can also say that I don't think I want to understand it either.

I don't think there's any way of avoiding writing some sort of dumb reports. At my school, I think they hold you hostage and don't let you graduate or something if you haven't written enough pages of crap to placate them. Thus the lab report was invented.

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

Post 100

darakat - Now with pockets!

Oh yes the old procastinate or don't get a degree proverb. Thats one that is the bane of many a student who has no idea why he/she is doing a report/item of assesment. The way round this is of course to grovel.

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