This is a Journal entry by Hypatia
Almost too much fun
Hypatia Started conversation Jun 11, 2014
Today is another wasted vacation day. I am waiting impatiently for my handyman to show up and replace my hot water heater. I used up a half day yesterday shopping for the new one. I hope it all gets done today. I just looked at the floor under the old one, which is leaking. I have a sinking feeling that the floor is going to have to come up. Why do things always turn into a hassle? It all started out on Monday with one short length of pipe needing replaced. Pah!
Almost too much fun
Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA! Posted Jun 11, 2014
Almost too much fun
Hypatia Posted Jun 11, 2014
Well, I tried to edit and couldn't, so I thought I deleted the one with the misspelled word only to find it was gone only on my page but was still there on all my friends pages. So you got the same thing twice.
Almost too much fun
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Jun 11, 2014
You can't delete a post. All you can do is ask all you friends to unsubscribe from it.
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Almost too much fun
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