This is a Journal entry by ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms
ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms Started conversation Jun 30, 2004
Right - having been offline for ages, I guess it's time to spill the beans.
1. have a permanent job. 'nuff said.
2. bought a house. don't like the system for such things in england.
3. will be moving into said house on Friday, which will be the 6th time DancingTree and I move, combined, in three years. Quite a lot, really.
4. will be lugging over 1.5 tons of stuff from small flat to big lovely house - should be 'fun'.
5. have discovered a curious loathing in myself of using capital letters in posts, as evidenced. will endeavor to work on that.
6. really really want a dog. can't have one though. DT says so.
7. Oh, the new house and the new job are all in the UK, which is where we've moved to.
8. guess that means that one day I might show up for a meet...
9. DT's birthday is on Saturday.
Beatrice Posted Jul 7, 2004
Happy Birthday DT!
Hope all goes well with the move back to the UK - you never know, I might see you again sometime!
We are of to Australia for a few weeks, visiting my sister in Melbourne.....
ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms Posted Jul 7, 2004
Hi LuckyStar babe
I think you may have misread something slightly, as we've been in the UK since August last year. The move this time was because we bought our very own house...
Have fun in Australia - don't do anything I would do, like have my nose stuck in a book the whole time
cheers ismarah
Ps. I'll tell DT you remembered his birthday - he'll like that
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