This is a Journal entry by ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

garden leaving it

Post 1

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

I doubt anyone will notice me changing my nickname, but I have.

It now reflects my leisurely unemployed status and the fact that I've discovered gardening.

So now my garden looks lovely, flat is very nice and finished, and what do I do? I decide to take DancingTree, and move it and me, to the UK.

Beware, beware....

smiley - winkeye

garden leaving it

Post 2


Hey! smiley - ale How are you?

And how/when/why are you coming to the UK?

garden leaving it

Post 3

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Hello there smiley - smiley

I am good - just lamenting the weather - it's not very nice at the moment and my lovely garden leave hasn't come anywhere near the garden smiley - biggrin

We're planning on coming over to the UK in early September - we'll see how it goes...

We're moving to a little place called Fleet to begin with - I was planning on working in either Reading on Basingstoke - I hate the idea of having to commute for hours and hours every day, such as in to London.

Craig will do his usual, pick up his laptop, order a new phone line with an internet connection, and he'll be good to go, but I actually have to _look_ for work (anybody got a magnifying glass so I can pretend I''m Mr. Holmes? Oooh, and a pipe) I have no idea what I'll end up doing, but I'm willing to try anything, I think. As long as it's legal, moral and not boring or dangerous. So that leaves me with what? smiley - winkeye

I need to get ahold of our realtor and shake his @ss a bit - he's not given us any figures to work with yet (was supposed to last week), but the plan is to hand over keys and flat and stuff at the beginning of september, stuff everything in a container and ship it over, then hop onboard an Iceland Express plane and that should be it!

I guess now you can tell Jemima that I do too live in England, which explains my english then, doesn't it? smiley - silly

How are you lot settling in- how are the french lessons going?

I do hope you've forgiven us for missing the eclipse? We really did have it, but you appear to have been in the wrong spot for it that day, I'm afraid smiley - wah

cheerssmiley - disco ismarah

garden leaving it

Post 4


Oh, long forgiven! There were so many other fabulous and amazing things that we did in Iceland that one disapppointment wasn't too upsetting.

And I've just paid my visa bill , which surprisingly was NOT the largest it's ever been. Mind you, the record was set the month I bought my laptop.....

Weather here is rather lovely at the minute - blue skies and 25 degreessmiley - biggrin

garden leaving it

Post 5

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

That is good to hear smiley - smiley, all of it, I mean, weather, visa and forgiveness + good time... maybe you should change your nick to Luckyb@stard smiley - biggrin

Anyhow, losing my job was mostly a surprise and not an inconvenience... I was thinking of quitting anyway, but in the department we'd been talking about getting someone to work with me as my assignments just kept increasing... anyhow... this is good, if the weather were better.
Here I am, trying to remember my country fondly and leave with only good memories, and it's just not co-operating!

cheerssmiley - disco ismarah

garden leaving it

Post 6

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

actually, when we met here - did you say your friend Sarah was on here as well?

cheerssmiley - disco ismarah

garden leaving it

Post 7


yes she is - SaraLMH.

She doesnt log on much, though. Best way to find her is probably via my Friends list.

Sorry - I didn't realise you were losing your job smiley - cry, that's a real shame.

garden leaving it

Post 8

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

well, apart from boring myself to death sitting at home all the time, it's fine - it's fantastic. I was actually planning on leaving it anyway, but this is financially better!

All I have to decide know is whether to accept the offer for our flat that was just made...

cheerssmiley - disco ismarah

garden leaving it

Post 9


Go for the gob and apartmentsmiley - winkeye I mean I always wanted to live in England but
I'd rather live in London with my Dad

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