This is a Journal entry by TBC

The Matrix Reloaded

Post 1


Wow... that's about all I have to say... combine every action film you've ever seen and you've just about got TMR... with combat to rival Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, car chases/reckless driving to rival any (or even all) bond films and loads more it was amazing smiley - wow

Has anyone else seen it? What did you think??? I'm currently listening to the soundtrack which is also amazing!! So yeah... if you are going to see it, just so you know, there is a trailer for the Matrix Revolutions at the end of the credits... it takes about 7 mins for the credits to end but we had fun pointing out all the funny job names (e.g. Paint carrier!smiley - laugh).... so yeah it was a great film and the soundtrack is also worth it...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 2


right the convo from the tcr will continue here!


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 3

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Hi, I'm here... good to know you have an interesting philosophy on life...

I only like Rage Against The Machines track at the end of the film... the rest are poor...

What was your fave part of the film???...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 4


hard to say actually... the bit with Neo fighting the 100's of Smiths was good... as was the fighting in the chateau, as was etc. smiley - laugh... still it's a great film, which do you think's better? The Matrix or The Matrix R?


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 5

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Lmao... I pi**ed myself after the fight scene with he 100 or so Smiths... just the way he and he rest of them stand there and look around and then just walk off, lmao...

I honstly think for philosophical purposes that The Matrix was the better film... it frazzled me more than Reloaded did... in other words... I thought more about the Matrix than Reloaded...

But in terms of SFX and other neat stuff Reloaded was better on that part...

But I honestly don't think Reloaded went on long enough...

But I guess that's why Revolutions follows...

The Twins and co e.g. the guy from the Tea Room/French Guy/Architect etc etc could all have bigger parts...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 6


yeah I agree about the philosophical thing... as to it being too short some people had claimed it ended in the middle of the car chase, which I think would have ruined it... I think it's like the first LOTR film. People were complaining it ended in the middle of nowhere, while those who've read the books understood why; the first film was setting everything up. I get the feeling thats what TMR was doing...

As to the architect etc. having bigger parts I'm not sure... they were just there to develop the plot and explain about things, like the Oracle in the first film... still they might come into the next film...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 7

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

I've only seen LOTR part 1...

I've never really been interested in LOTR so I've not read the books...

But The way The Matrix ended it seemed like there MAY be space for a sequel, but it wasn't in your face apparent, like LOTR1...

The Matrix has always been planned as a trilogy, no matter what anyone says about "cashing in" blah blah blah...

The Architect pi**ed me off too much... he was too coc*y about himself... thinking he was basically the dogs b****ocks...

Neo taking the door to his right was pretty much blatant selfishness... he didn't want to save Zion... just Trinity...

I'm having quite a difficulty understand what it was the Architect was going on about, because he never took a breath to stop talking...

I understand that there's been 6 previous Matrixs... and in each, the machines have always won the war and destroyed Zion... but what is Real and what isn't??...

Is the Architect even real???... who knows what's real...

A part of me wishes the Matrix series hadn't of been made, becaue now, it makes me want to seek more out about this... and if this is basically true... I want out of this "prison"

Free my mind...

What do you think???...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 8


Well, the way I understood it what the architect was saying was that this is the 6th matrix. He (the architect) is a bit of code (like the Oracle) and he created the matrix. In the first matrix he made it perfect, unfortunatly despite his best efforts there was still room for a glitch - the One. In the first 5 matrix's there was always a glitch/anomaly and they always came to the place the architect was at the time that Zion was beign attacked. Neo is the 6th anomaly (aka The One) and this is the 6th Matrix. It seems that it is The Oracle's job to inform the One that he is the one and send him to the architect. When he meets the architect the anomaly learns that in all the previous matrix's the same thing had happened - the machines had massed and attacked Zion and the one has been sent to the architect to choose 16 people (9 female 7 male I think, I've forgotten now) who would be ejected from the Matrxi to "Re-populate" Zion after the machines destroyed it. If he didn't do this not only would Zion be destroyed but the people in the Matrix would also be killed, suposedly the Machines could find a way to survive without humans, though it wouldn't be as good.

The way I see it this is because without the threat of Zion being destroyed the machines feel the one might be able to free everyone hence why the One getsd to choose people to re-populate Zion - sacraficing himself in the process.

Neo decides not to do this and goes back to save Trinity. The architect mentioned something about Neo being unlike the other previous anomalies as they had "loved" everyone while Neo "loved" Trinity, therefore dooming the human race.


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 9

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Yeah... I wonder what'll happen...

You know damn well that the curiousiy and speculation and conspiracies etc etc etc will never end...

People will begin (if not already have begun) to actually LOOK for the "Matrix"...

I think that to be honest the "Matrix" doesn't really exist... because if it did, there's no way that the films would of been allowed to be made...

The "machnies" don't want anyone being freed from "The Matrix"... so why let someone tell at least 3/4 of the world about it...

I will wait to get the Trilogy on DVD and possibly study further into this... but I don't think I'll go too far down the "rabbit hole"...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 10

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

I'm gonna go offline now...

The film "IT" is on SkyOne... I never miss an oppurtunity to watch it...

See ya later...

Do you think you'd be able to think up a lone mission I could take to "boost up" my ranking...

A mental (not crazy-mental)... mission to take...

Thanks... see ya...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 11


lol, well the cell you're a member of has a new mission that will be starting soon... there is a briefing for it a few pages back in the briefing room thread.

As to the world we're in currently being a matrix there is no reason they'd stop such a film being made *if* we're taking our world to be a matrix the reason being that the film probably wouldn't be that accurate to what was outside the realworld matrix and what the real world matrix actually was (it'd probably be impossible to escape/free your mind).

An interesting point about the films though is that if the matrix was allowed to continue long enough then eventually they'd invent AI and then a matrix would be created inside the matrix, then the same thing would happen again and again and again!! However, now that the architect has said what he's said it has taken that possibility away - TMR was written well, probably to get rid of such speculations!


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 12

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

I've read the "mission" on the Briefing room thread... the one about Mr. M...

Are the cells based on "Splinter Cell"???... just curious...

Okay... here's one that I think has baked both our noodles from seeing TMR...

When Neo stops those sentinels by putting out his hand... ummm... how?????... he's only powerful inside the Matrix... so what's up with that eh???...

As for your views on the real world etc... it does seem fare to believe that eventually yes... we will create AI... like so many films have already told us... probably the best of which being "The Terminator" series...

And that "our time" is up...

Oh... going back to something you said earlier about Neo and Trinity sacrificing the rest of the world... that's a blatant religious/bible bit... Adam and Eve... eat the apple... doom humanity...

Also... do you think "God" was really victorious in the battle between him and the "Devil"???...

How do we know eh???... if "God" did win... why's the world such a s**ty place???... maybe the "Devil" did actually win... but he's disguised himself as "God" because quite frankly... who the hell (no pun intended) is going to worship the "Devil" in heaven???... well a few... but not as many numbers as those who believe in "God"...

I'm just rambling now... I used to be a Jehovahs Witness... lol... now I'm atheist...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 13


The idea for cells I nicked from the Terranic army (another thing on h2g2) where I saw they were divided into regiments. I decided to call them cells based on Splinter Cell though yeah!

As to Neo stopping the sentinels I wonder if part of the power he has is coming out of the matrix - after all no-one has ever done what he's doing before... either that or as he is able to control the matrix (the machines source of power) he can shut off their power in the real world... thats a possibility.

I didn't actually notice that religious reference of Adam and Eve when I saw the film, but now you mention it I guess I should have smiley - doh.

As to why bad things happen I have a sort of answer. If everything in life was good would we really appreciate it? For the idea of good to exist there has to be bad to counter it so we can notice the good. In a place with all good then there would probably be (what we would count as) a higher level of good which to them would just seem to be good and what we would count as good would to them seem to be bad... well thats just IMO


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 14

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Cells... yep, thought so... I read about the Terranic Army... well I noticed the word I mean, lol...

I only noticed it because someone mentioned something about the religious patterns that the first Matrix had... about the dawn of man and other stuff like that... that when the world was born... (The Matrix I mean) there was a man born inside (Adam ergo Neo anagram of "One")

Damn... I always forget about that... that if there is no bad... people will be generally bored...

But being hat the "world" is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very bad at moment... it just seems like we're being punished by somehing/someone... I've had a ton of relatives/loved ones who have become terribly ill or have died in the last 5 years... and my familes life is just falling apart in certain areas...

It just seems like there's TOO much badness to take in...

If it's not one, it's another... wouldn't you agree...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 15

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Cells... yep, thought so... I read about the Terranic Army... well I noticed the word I mean, lol...

I only noticed it because someone mentioned something about the religious patterns that the first Matrix had... about the dawn of man and other stuff like that... that when the world was born... (The Matrix I mean) there was a man born inside (Adam ergo Neo anagram of "One")

Damn... I always forget about that... that if there is no bad... people will be generally bored...

But being hat the "world" is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very bad at moment... it just seems like we're being punished by somehing/someone... I've had a ton of relatives/loved ones who have become terribly ill or have died in the last 5 years... and my familes life is just falling apart in certain areas...

It just seems like there's TOO much badness to take in...

If it's not one, it's another... wouldn't you agree...



The Matrix Reloaded

Post 16

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Cells... yep, thought so... I read about the Terranic Army... well I noticed the word I mean, lol...

I only noticed it because someone mentioned something about the religious patterns that the first Matrix had... about the dawn of man and other stuff like that... that when the world was born... (The Matrix I mean) there was a man born inside (Adam ergo Neo anagram of "One")

Damn... I always forget about that... that if there is no bad... people will be generally bored...

But being hat the "world" is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very bad at moment... it just seems like we're being punished by somehing/someone... I've had a ton of relatives/loved ones who have become terribly ill or have died in the last 5 years... and my familes life is just falling apart in certain areas...

It just seems like there's TOO much badness to take in...

If it's not one, it's another... wouldn't you agree...



The Matrix Reloaded

Post 17

Professor Zane of unreal math’s and irrelevant theories

when the wachowski bros. wrote the films they wrote all 3 at once and tried to pile as much religious paradox in as the could, it reflects as many different cultural and religious beliefs about the coming of the one and the like and wraps them all together, this worked to start with but the philosophy of reloaded was shallow. the technology they used was astounding but the stiyle was so kungfu/wire fu it could have been made in hong kong.

The Matrix Reloaded

Post 18

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Yep... that's what me and (I can't pronounce his name lol soz) have been talking about for some time...

People (not very smart people aka film "critics") said that the Wachowskis were just cashing in on a previously outstandingly succesful film... even though if they'd done there homework like the peeps in this thread they would of known that the Matrix was always known to be a trilogy...

And the philosophy was lacking in the Reloaded film and I think it will also be lacking in Revolutions too, but we can only wait and see...

And I don't know about the martial arts thing... because Keanu Reeves and co all worked extremely hard to get to that level of discipline and they learnt the moves and carried them out with high precision because they put in the effort too... if you know what I mean... the wires are just there to hype up the fights...


The Matrix Reloaded

Post 19

Professor Zane of unreal math’s and irrelevant theories

I`m not saying the fights are bad (i liked them) just the whole style is ripped off from the hong kong film industry, and no one seemed to notice

The Matrix Reloaded

Post 20

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Lol... well the fact being the Yuen Wen Ping (think that's his name) choreographed all the fights I think it's a given that the fights are all "hong-kong style"... why wouldn't they be... in the first film he (Neo) even says... "I know kung-fu"... kung-fu being a hong-kong-ish martial art...

tit for tat really...

Serjsmiley - devil

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