This is a Journal entry by Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)
The Escape Plan
Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Not so loud please, I've got a dreadful headache this morning.
Any chance of a ?
PeeJ, do let 6.48 make the tea. We don't want another sulk on our hands.
And put your towel away!
The Escape Plan
Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Morning Mr Chairman
Well, let me think....
I'm good at *obtaining* things by various means - legal, illegal or immoral
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 1, 2002
Sorry, I've just had to pop out for more teabags.
Hope I haven't missed anything.
The Escape Plan
Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) Posted Mar 1, 2002
[reaches inside a pocket and produces a box of tea bags]
You should have said, you could of have these
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
< puts towel away, and makes ‘huffy’ face >
Morning Chair, have a , and what did *you* get up last night ?
< Nods, nudges and winks towards the still seemingly unconscious MdA >
The Escape Plan
Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
No, not much.
*Reading from the minutes*
Peej offered his towel to Calum. The Chairman welcomed Calum to the meeting and asked what he could do
The Escape Plan
Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Actually Peej, I fancy a bit BBQ sauce if I may?
The Escape Plan
Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Any sign of Ms Cheese this morning?
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
< hands Calum towel, makes face at the Chair >
Here you go, watch out for the sticky bits, not too sure *what* they are.
The Escape Plan
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 1, 2002
Apparently Miss Cheese is in an important editorial meeting regarding her latest guide entry.
The Escape Plan
Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) Posted Mar 1, 2002
[Takes towel and proceeds to suck on it]
Yum, yum
That tastes it could be, could it?
The Escape Plan
Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
The Escape Plan
Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Can we please get on?
Mr McBain, would you like the position of chief Procurement Officer and opener of the post?
The Escape Plan
Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Why thank you. Lets get on with the meeting then..
The Escape Plan
Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
ready when you are
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
< Glances nervously at Calum, wondering when he's going to get his towel back >
The Escape Plan
Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) Posted Mar 1, 2002
Sorry, I've just had a request from the H2G2 post to change your job title to Chief Procurement Office and opener of the mail.
Now, can we move on to the next item on the agenda.
Supplies and Equipment
PeeJ - Have we enough cakes?
Can we draw up a list of what we're going to need for the duration of our escape.
Bob, as secretary, could you draw up a list on the blackboard please.
The Escape Plan
Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
I have a pencil, but no chalk
Do we have chalk in the stores?
The Escape Plan
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 1, 2002
< Takes the stand >
We have plenty of 's, and I believe that 6.48 is an expert
maker, so as long as our Chief Procurement Officer can aquire enough ingredients, we should be fine on the
I think the important question here is, Do we have enough ,
's ?
The Escape Plan
Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) Posted Mar 1, 2002
[Takes towel out of mouth and puts it safely away in a pocket]
Okay, what's the difference between *post* and *mail* then?
Key: Complain about this post
The Escape Plan
- 61: Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 62: Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 63: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 1, 2002)
- 64: Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 65: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 66: Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 67: Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 68: Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 69: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 70: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 1, 2002)
- 71: Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 72: Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 73: Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 74: Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 75: Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 76: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 77: Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 78: Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 79: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 1, 2002)
- 80: Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee) (Mar 1, 2002)
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