This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Lost In Austen

Post 1


Did anyone else see the last episode of Lost In Austen last night?

I don't understand why so many critics have been quite so vitriolic about it. I thought it was great fun. It was lighthearted and funny and has obviously been put together by people with a great love for the book. I disagree with those who said it ridicules the book. I think it was treated with respect-after all, the whole plotline was basically to put the plotline right: what greater respect is there?

I think it just put on film what fans have been dreaming of. What I mean is, I don't believe there isn't a reader out there who hasn't got "lost" in their favourite book, whether it is Pride and Prejudice, or whatever and fancied being able to drop by into that world and see what it is like. I guess us girls would all like to meet Mr. D too, smiley - winkeye and I presume the chaps would like to meet Lizzy?

I thought Elliot Cowan played Darcy very well (He was so intense he looked like he was going to explode at times-good God his scowl was even worse than Colin Firth's!) and Jemima Rooper and Gemma Arterton were equally good. I especially liked the bit when Lizzy said to Darcy: "but we've been married 200 years!"

... oh, and when Darcy said: "I only smile in private, when no-one's looking..." awwww... smiley - smiley

Not quite sure I worked out exactly who stayed and who left in the end, but it didn't matter-I couldn't fathom the end of Life On Mars either, but I loved that just the same.


Lost In Austen

Post 2


Oh yeah, that Darcy line was great!!! He played him well. Thought the wet shirt bit was funny. They just had to do it! Though colin Firth still ranks right up there for Darcy.

You're right that it seemed to do justice to the book. Didn't pretend to actually *be* the book, but wanted to set the plot straight and that way that none of us really are Lizzy and so things would work out differently.

Was quite impressed at how well Lizzy picked up on all the modern technology and she adjusted pretty well.

Lost In Austen

Post 3


I thought it was clever how they'd guessed how she might dress in today's terms, her being quite an outdoorsy type, with cosy hoody and jeans etc, but not too tomboyish. and the haircut.
She did seem to adjust well-liked the bit about the carbon footprint.!

Lost In Austen

Post 4


Yeah. Kinda thought that worked. She seemed to suit the hair.

Always wondered how I'd adjust if I got zapped 200 years into the future. Always wanted to be in Star Trek or something.

Lost In Austen

Post 5


Really? I wouldn't have minded travelling in space with Arthur and Ford.

But at least now I know if I ever get stuck in 1800 England to bring a toothbrush with me! I thought talking about stuff like that was quite interesting. Brings it home a bit that it wasn't all wonderful. I guess Tess of the Durbervilles does that too on BBC at the moment, with all the creepy guys, but I can't say I'm enjoying it that much because she's such a frustrating character and I find the whole thing pretty depressing. Will probably give it a miss tonight.

Lost In Austen

Post 6


Yeah, the toothbrush stuff was interesting. Make sure you pack a load of toothpaste and perfume and stuff too. can't imagine some of their other toiletries would have been that great either.

Lost In Austen

Post 7


No probably not. They had all that stuff with wigs in france didn't they?

btw, forgot to say, it must've been a few years now, but I did get a chance to visit Lyme Park once (Pemberley grounds in BBC's adaptation). It's smaller than you'd think-the tv stretches things a bit I think. But it's still quite an amazing place. Kind of expected Mr. D to appear out of nowhere every now and then! They even have a "Pemberley trail" there, which I didn't do, but I did walk round the lake and visit the walled garden-it was very pretty. Didn't get a chance to visit Sudbury Hall, which I think they used for the interiors in the original adaptation but would've liked to as it looked very grand on the telly. The inside of Lyme is very dark and Gothic, you wouldn't think so from the outside though.

Lost In Austen

Post 8


Awww!!! You went to Pemberley!!! I want to go. But he won't be there. smiley - wah Just have to content myself with the poster above my desk.

Lost In Austen

Post 9


This is quite embarrassing 'cause I have a poster too! smiley - blush it's stashed away somewhere at the moment 'cause I ran out of wall space. But weirdly, I got it from my school because they had a clear out in the English Dept and no one wanted the poster so I asked if I could have it. My geography teacher managed to cajole the department into giving it to me -she was also involved with the school library I think and that was how it happened. I think she retired a year before I left, but P&P was one of her favourite books and she always said she wanted to be a location manager- that would have been her dream job. We had lots of conversations about P&P as I ended up choosing it to study as part of my English coursework.. That was ages ago. It's only recently I wondered where she might be now, I hope she's ok.

Lost In Austen

Post 10


The scary thing is Colin Firth was actually born in Hampshire in a small village about 15 minutes from where I live, but he went to school in Winchester which is a fair way away from me, but he's still really a local lad. Always thought the accent sounded familiar but never quite sussed why....

Lost In Austen

Post 11


So you've never seen him about in your travels then?? Would be interesting. Though he can't be as nice in real life as Darcy. Well, end Darcy anyway.

Lost In Austen

Post 12


No, surprisingly I've never seen him. I don't know if his family still live locally, but he is based in London now isn't he? Always seems a nice bloke when he's interviewed though.

Lost In Austen

Post 13


yeah, does seem like a nice bloke. Wouldn't mind meeting him. Think he's married with a couple of kids. Darn! Wish him well though. So many celeb marriages go tgo pot it's sad.

Lost In Austen

Post 14


Yeah I know, it is quite sad when that happens. I know this is probably a bit of a digression but it just sprung to mind cos someone on the Crowded House fan forum congratulated Neil and Sharon Finn on their wedding anniversary earlier in the year. They've been married 25 years apparently! Good on them I say, that's brilliant, and like you said, it bucks the trend, which is great to hear.

I thought Colin Firth's wife was Italian. i might be wrong, but I read somewhere that he said she thought the English fascination with Darcy was really funny because the whole aloof thing doesn't really appeal to Italians. I think he quoted her as saying "and the English think Darcy is sexy????..." smiley - erm

Lost In Austen

Post 15


Yeah, think I'd heard that she's Italian or something. Can't really remember though. It's funny though that we all rave about Darcy when he's such an idiot and a snob at the start.

Well done Neil and Sharon Finn! i'm impressed. Especially coz thy're in the touring, music business. Think that'd be hard on a relationship. But if they can do it I'm impressed and pleased for them.

Lost In Austen

Post 16


Yeah when I heard I was so pleased for them-like you say I think it must put a big strain on a relationship with so much travelling from touring and stuff.

Tis funny that we love Darcy so much even though he's such a uppity g*t at the beginning...

Lost In Austen

Post 17


I know!! A friend of mine once sat her other half down to watch P&P and he couldn't get what the big deal was about Darcy. Hopefully he gopt it in the end though.

Lost In Austen

Post 18



Lost In Austen

Post 19


have to get the blokes into P&P. They need to learn.

Lost In Austen

Post 20


True. I'm sure they really all secretly sympathise with Darcy though, over Lizzy. They must do.

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