This is a Journal entry by Kaz

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Post 1


What do you think?

I'm not being a traditionalist, I'm sure he'd do a good job, but I'd rather they leave the series as it is. "If it ain't broke...."

smiley - erm

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Post 2


smiley - erm something that'd have to be done so very carefully. It's like Queen and Paul Rogers or Taggart or something after an important person dies. You have to be so carefil if and how you take it further. You can't trash their memory and legacy by doing something badly. But it could equally be a tribute to the person if you can do more and make it work.

Will wait and see. Might be nice to see Arthur and fenchurch reunited.

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Post 3


yeah it would be nice. Didn't Douglas say that he'd left it in a bit of a dark atmosphere, that it was quite a gloomy ending...?

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Post 4


Can't remember. But Arthuir definately deserves a bit of luck with a nice lady.

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Post 5


Yeah he does bless him.

I still think Simon Jones was the best Arthur, but Martin Freeman did a good job.

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Post 6


Wonder what the ending for Trilian and Random would be too???

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Post 7


yeah that would be interesting. I'll be honest I haven't read mostly harmless in ages so probably forgotten the main plot points. Random was Trillian's daughter and didn't they have a bust-up or something. I remember Random gets really annoyed with Arthur at the end.

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Post 8


If you want to comment on the book issue properly I'd noticed its cropped up on the front page now-they want us to let them know what we think. I left my 2 pennies worth...

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Post 9


Yeah, random was Trillians daughter. Think you're right and threy had a fight coz Trillian left her for ages or something. Haven't read it in ages either though.

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Post 10


I noticed in the listings that Dirk Gently's back on radio 4 with Harry Enfield as Dirk, though is at a ridulculous time in the evening... I'm not sure I can be bothered to stay up that late.

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Post 11


Hate it when they put things on at stupid times. Especially on the radio. Not that I'm a bit radio person anyway, but still. I'm not gonna stay up to listen to somthing really late. At least with the tv you can tape it.

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Post 12


yeah exactly.

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Post 13


Got carried away there again.

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