This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 41



smiley - smiley

smiley - rofl

Also, seriously, it's so nice to find an actor who really seems to be principled and have the guts to stand up for what he believes in. He seems to do a lot of charity work and he's not frightened to say if he thinks something is wrong. He's been quite outspoken in interviews before. I admire that.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 42


He always comes across as being very down to earth in interviews to, which I like. Think I saw somewhere that when his mum died a few months ago, he did a lot to fundraise for a particular charity relating to her. And his fame and popularity can help that.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 43


smiley - sadface Yeah I read that too.

It was the accord hospice, the money went to. I do hope they raised a lot of money for them.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 44


Yeah. That was it. Hope something good came from it. Don't know much about them though.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 45


Neither do I. Looking at the info, it seems it was a local organisation.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 46


Even more reason for them to get support then. Sometimes feel that smaller organisations or charities can get swallowed up or sunk by bigger ones. People maybe don't want to support them coz they haven't heard of them, so they can't publicise and can't get their name out there and it's a vicious circle.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 47


yeah absolutely. There are a few local to me to struggle to get funding, which is terrible because they do such good work.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 48


I know!!! Such a shame. And you get big supermarkets who support big charities and I'd like to see them come along side small ones for once. Even if your local tesco supported your charities, and my local tesco supported mine.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 49


Interestingly, out local Waitrose is doing a token scheme where everytime someone buys their shopping, at the checkout they give you a counter and you choose out of three local charities where the token goes, and I guess they proportion equivalent £ out to each one accordingly.
Really good idea.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 50


That's really quite a good idea. Hopefully then that means that more charities get support and awareness and it's not just the bigger ones all the time.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 51


yeah. Will be interesting to see if they do a feedback type thingy so we know who got what out of the money.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 52


Yeah. Always nice to hear how they do at these things.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 53


They've changed now, so maybe there'll be an overview of where the money's gone later in the year.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 54


hope so. Even if it's a poster or something simple in the foyer.

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