This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 1


I was bored the other weekend so I put this together:

on the trailer maker. Dunno why but there's a bit of a blip in it. He's supposed to say "I'm the Doctor..."

Oh well.

Anyway that's my little effort. Hope you like!

smiley - biggrin

Kaz smiley - tardis

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 2


I'm impressed. Shame about the blip though.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 3


mmm I know. I dunno what happened there. You have to imagine the titles music at the end of course! I was going for the "adventurer" type feel. Wanted the clips to "pulse" (blackout) a bit like they did on the other trailers, but couldn't find the right sort of music to cut it to.
I'd give it a 6/10 really.

Good for a laugh though. You can cut the clips up properly too, they give you a little video editor to do it on. smiley - smiley

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 4


It's quite a fancy game isn't it. Clever thing to do.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 5


Yeah. I think it's quite a good idea. I mean, what kid doesn't want to work on Doctor Who really? and it gives them a chance to have a go. Great fun.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 6


I knbow!! You hear of so many people who loved Dr Who or whatever as a kid and who end up as graphics/CGI people or set designers or whatever. Heard that David Tennant decided when he was 3 or 4 that he wanted to be an actor and always wanted to play the Doc.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 7


yeah I know, I heard that too. Didn't he say it was pretty weird when he first started working on it because it reminded him of when he was a kid and sitting in front of the telly with cheese on toast and watching it on a saturday evening or something...?

It was something like that anyway.

Watched the repeat of fall of pompeii last night-missed it when it was first on as I was on holiday. Thought it was good. Also the behind the scenes stuff was interesting-filming in Rome and everything. (bizarrely I missed it the first time round cos I went to Italy-the Colluseum is pretty incredible-saw a peregrine flying above us when I was there-wow) Just too bad I wasn't there when they were filming!

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 8


Yeah, was a good episode that one.

Know what you mean bout missing them filming. When David Tennant did the Who Do You Think You Are programme I was raging that I missed him. When he came to Derry, I was working there in an office a couple of hundred yards down the street from where he went to look at some records. And I missed him. smiley - wah

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 9



...I would be totally gutted if that happened to me!!!

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 10


I was so sad. I nearly got to meet him!!! Not fair!!!!!

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 11


No that's not fair.

Here's an idea: top ten places/times you'd go to if you had a trip in the tardis. Presuming of course, that the usual rules of not going back on your own timeline apply.
Here are a few ones that sprung to mind:

Queen Live @ Wembley 86
Free @ Isle of Wight Festival 1970 (ish, I think)
Meet Jane Austen, 1813
Witness the protests that led to the Clash writing "White Riot"
Go back and see what it was like at the time of the miners strike.
um.. go into the future and see whether we actually make any headway with our lifestyles and political solutions to climate change. (er maybe, maybe not, maybe if we don't sort it, I'd rather not know... I dunno)

I'll think of some more eventually.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 12


Brilliant idea!! Great list you've started too.

Think I'sd go for a Queen concert too - Wembley probably, but anyt would do really. Front row and get to meet the band too.

Would love to take a newsreel of Ian Paisley working with Martin McGuinness and meeting Berty Ahern and show it to him. Just for the look on his face. (Know that's bad, but still. Can hear hiom screaming now. "Never!")

smiley - erm What else....?

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 13


I dunno I'm still stuck.

smiley - erm to see the fall of the Berlin wall would have been incredible. 1989 I think. I would've been 4.

Excuse me for being a bit dim, but when you mention Ian Paisley and Martin McGuinness what exactly did you mean? I think I know what you're getting at, but my knowledge of Irish politics is pretty rubbish, picked up from the news. I blame English schools for not covering the background!

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 14


Well Paisley always protested to any political progress, never worked with previous first ministers etc. Gerry Adams nominated him as first minister a couple of years ago but he basically told him to go jump. Then he eventually agreed to be first miniaster with his deputy being Martin McGuinness or Sinn Fein who he said he'd never work with.

He always kicked up such a fuss about working with Sinn Fein but has since been seen laughing and joking with Sinn Fein politicians and the Irish PM. His earlier self would not approve.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 15


ah yeah, I bet! I must admit that whenever he was on the news he seemed to be opposed to any progress whatsoever. Which is not very helpful! smiley - erm Thanks for explaining the "how so and so knew so and so" it was that stuff that always confused me!

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 16


Can be confusing. Easy to loose track.

Thought of something else for my smiley - tardis list - go and see the Big Bang and evolution or whatever actually happened. Would be interesting to see what *really* happened to start life on Earth.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 17


Yeah it would. I could never quite reconcile the way we were taught about the Christian view of evolution with science. It only made sense when my RE teacher told me that it was the hebrew word for "day" actually referrred to the passing of many years in the context of the bible and so I sat there and said to myself "so they were talking about evolution anyway...". It was just the translation that's caused so much bother. I mean really, God's not likely to be able to create a world in a week anyway... I know he's God and everthing but even God's got to have a day off!!! smiley - biggrin

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 18


Well he did get a day off. I'm actually surprised that they taught the Christian view in your science classes. We only ever got the evolution view and it was taught as if it was definate and we know this happened. Think that bugged me more than anything else, coz there's no way we *can* know exactly what happened without a smiley - tardis.

Always thought like what your RE teacher said that the 7 days of creation could just be a metaphor for many years. If it had said, "in the first 100 million years, God did...." it'd be too hard to grasp.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 19


yeah. No we didn't get taught the Christian view in science, sorry I'm getting really rubbish at writing what I mean at the moment! Don't know why. Think my head must be off somewhere else!
The creation thing is just something I've never really quite believed in.
That's true I guess we can't know without a smiley - tardis, but it was like something someone said on the radio recently about science and how it works with "What's most likely according a a body of solid evidence/research..."

True. I mean it would just make things too complicated if there was a timeline.

Doctor Who Trailer

Post 20


Think it's something that can sound very simple, you know like create everything with a click of the fingers or something. But then the scientists wouldn't like that.

Suppose though, if god can do anything, he *could* just think things into being all finished without all the messing about with componants. But it might not be as fun. Maybe we should write a letter to heaven asking how it was done? In the absense of smiley - tardis we might not have more options.

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