This is a Journal entry by Kaz

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 1


Hello people

While I am sitting here with the most appalling sore throat and feeling terrible (I hope I don't have tonsillitis-yuk!) I pondered on this:

I want to try and get my proper writing (articles and such like) out to other people so I can hopefully get contracted to a music magazine.

I write stuff for a live music promotions co locally and the work goes up on the company web site and to the local papers. But, my opposite number who covers the music scene south of my town has a blog and a Myspace page as well.

I have been wondering whether I should set myself up a blog too, but which should I go for? Blogspot or Myspace?

My initial preference would be to go for Blogspot because it looks more professional, you can name it yourself and simply, I find it easier to look at. I think you can upload pics on there too. What I wanted to do was put PDFs or Jpegs of my published stuff on there so people can read it and see that it is actually published work, rather than just being part of the blog.

The thing is Myspace is such a big community and it is really key to:
a) The whole new music scene
b) Business and media (just look at what Channel 4 did with Skins)

But I don't like the associations the US has with sites like Myspace and Facebook and why should I give them my details? Have a look at this Guardian article:

That aside, only members can leave messages on either page can't they, but anyone can view it? So, I'd have to provide contact details on there for people who weren't members anyway. I'd have to write using my real name, which is something I'd just have to deal with (my name's already on Myspace because of the music stuff I do, and other places on the net). Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) I have one of those surnames that is really unusual so it's easy to track me on the net. Kaz isn't my real first name, it's a nickname a friend gave me.

But would it be worth setting up another blog in reality? I'm not convinced I'd get enough hits on a blog to get people interested in what I do (I don't know how many people view my page on here (if you are looking at this and not a Hootoo member, hello and thanks for dropping by! smiley - smiley ).

Iain Dale and the guy behind Guido Fawkes blog have managed to make a living out of blogging but they're in a minority really (I don't agree with the former's politics but that's' another thing altogether).

Any thoughts?


Off to get some more smiley - tea for my sore throat... smiley - sadface

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 2


Definately be careful and think about what one to choose.

I know a girl who once typed her name and home town into Google to see what would come up. She got a link to her Bebo page and to the Bebo page of a 12-year old she babysits and was able to veiw both without needing to sign in or anything. And Bebo's supposed to be one of those sites that lets you hide your page from the general public. It could be that the site recognised a cookie or something on her computer and let her straight in, but still.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 3


That is scary. Online security does bother me a lot. I feel totally confused about what I should do.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 4


Know what you mean. With all these internet banking sites and things like amazon and ebay, there's so much scope for fraud. But one ogf those things too that I hope the media is exaggerating too. You know the way they tell everyone to shred everything yet, I'm not sure if I know anyone who's had their bank account emptied or anything.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 5


ooh I dunno. I just got charged for something off the site "emusic" when I never even completed the registration!!! smiley - grr I went to look on the site after spotting an offer for free downloads but there was loads of compatibility issues with the software so I never registered properly. They still managed to get my details though.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 6


smiley - yikes That's bizzare!!!

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 7


I know! Quite freaked me out actually.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 8


Can't blame you. Scary how they get your info.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 9


yeah it is. It was a bit of a omg how did that happen? moment I must admit. smiley - weird

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 10


Hopefully it was a once off though and they won't be trying to get a load of money from you.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 11


yeah, hopefully

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 12


Just keep an eye on emails and stuff for a while just to make sure.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 13


yeah I will do.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 14


Sometimes wonder where they get your details though. I had a 2 or 3 of weird phone calls on my mobile last year from a couple of different phone companies. One was the one I was with who asked me all these odd questions about what kind of contract I'm on and I'm not even contract. You'd have thought they would have that info. But other phone companies getting my number when I'm not listed....??

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 15


I'm guessing they can get it as a result of those opt in/out clauses at the bottom of forms like "as part of market research we may pass your details on to third parties...please tick here if you would not like to recieve information from these parties.." type stuff. Or, I guess they have access to the edited electoral roll (I think there are two versions, you can opt out of one of them so companies can't see your details). Still flippin' annoying though. We keep getting calls on our home phone where messages are recorded and played down the phone once you pick up. They say they're free calls but I'm not convinced, I think it's a scam.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 16


Yeah, I've heard of some scams from pre-recorded things. Think there was one a few years ago that'd phomne your mobile and as soon as you answer it'll charge you £25 or something datft even if you hang up or don't take whatever they're trying to sell. Though haven't heard of ones like that sibce, so hopefully it's been stopped.

Scary the way companies sell on your info though. But I've seen on some forms recently where they've said they won't give your details to outside agencies. Has to be a good thing. And then think they'll only use it if you want to hear about other offers etc that they have so you're not gona be pestered by any random person.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 17


yeah, I prefer the opt in ones.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 18


True. Kinda helps if you're able to say you'd like to hear about special offers and not from outside people or whatever. Think that's bcoming more common now.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 19


yeah, rather than the other way round, when they just send you the stuff anyway

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

Post 20


Oh yeah!! It's sometimes easier to spot the tick-box than the writing beside it. Always so small.

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