This is a Journal entry by Kaz


Post 101


smiley - rofl
See I would've never've realised that the bloke who played the ringmaster in that ep of Torchwood was Davros unless they'd said so. He was suitably creepy.

Thanks for the warning! smiley - biggrin
You know I always thought the bit in P&P where he stares at Lizzy across the room was a much better moment than the wet shirt one, but maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. What was that music? You know I've never found out.


Post 102


Oh yeah! The across-the-piano moment! Great scene. Loved that one.

And the ring-master! vWould never have known. Do feel bad for those guys who spend so much time getting the latex put on and taken off. And then no -one can recognise them without it.

Heard that the bloke who playedc Pinhead in Hellraiser got a complex at the end-of-production party coz the crew kept ignoring him when he spoke to them. Turned out they didn't recognise him without the makeup on and didn't know who he was. he thought he'd offended them all.


Post 103


smiley - rofl but that was a bit like what they said happened with "davros." Something about him having a really dry sense of humour but being quite quiet. Apparently they'd be having a conversation on set and all of a sudden he'd throw some amusing comment in, but because he was still in make up it was doubly funny!


Post 104


Yeah. Would be funny. Think it was the same at the end of last seasdon when David Tennant was made old. Some jokes that came out kinda creepy.

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