This is a Journal entry by Kaz


Post 1


Got back yesterday from a family do near London. It was my second cousins' 21st birthday and she threw a big party.
We stayed over with my Uncle and Aunt and I met all my other cousins (not first cousins) for the first time ever. Was quite daunting at first, but it turns out that we have tons in common because they are all music crazy as well. One of my cousins is a record collector and works in a record shop in London as well as having a band, and nearly every one of my relatives plays a musical instrument or sings. We joked that we have easily enough people to form a family band and that next time we get together we should all bring an instrument with us.
I am just totally gutted I have had to wait this long to meet them all, but now we've all exchanged email addresses and things it should be easier.
smiley - musicalnote
smiley - smiley


Post 2


Well start that band!!! If your cousin runs a record shop, you already have somewhere to launch your albums!!!


Post 3


smiley - rofl

That's a wicked idea!!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - somersault <I like that smiley.
Unfortunately I have a feeling it's a retro vinyl shop, but anyway, it's still a good idea!!


Post 4


Well even new bands have released things on vinyl.


Post 5


yup that's true. Keane have released stuff on vinyl and I saw an ep by Oasis on vinyl on ebay the other day.


Post 6


Yeah, we've an Oasis album and a Radiohead one on vinyl. Well, they'rew both my dad's, but they're recent albums for vinyl.


Post 7


yeah that is quite recent.


Post 8


Couldn't find the original thread where I mentioned Martin Simpson and the song When a Knight Won His Spurs so thought I would put this link here. Totally different song as I can't find when a knight.. on youtube but anyway. It's a cover of the Little Feat song apparently. I can't help feeling I've heard it before, although it might be cos he played it live when he last gigged in my home town (so in that case I have heard it before!).

Long distance love:

I thought I would post it here as I struggled to explain what he plays like before. Amazing huh?! What a guy!

I guess this post kind of goes hand in hand with my posting on the musicians guild really.


Post 9


.. although I am totally gutted as I found he hasn't recorded a version of the song and I really like it!!! Damn itunes!!!


Post 10


itunes can be so annoying. I've had a few albums I've thought of getting but they don't have them.


Post 11


Great song too!!


Post 12


good isn't it? I first saw Martin Simpson when I happened to be working on the bar at my local theatre the night he performed there. I have to say it took me a while to get into his style, I wasn't very keen at first, but it was hearing his song "never any good" that he wrote about his dad that changed my mind. He closed the first half of his set with it, and after I finished my second stint on the bar in the interval, I made sure I was back on the balcony with the lighting crew to watch the second half.
Afterwards I just thought "flippin 'ell I need to practise guitar!" so that's what I did. I'm struggling though and feel a bit demoralised with it at the mo.

I will see if I can find a clip of "never any good" so you can hear it. It is such an amazing story song. yeah, that's the music I'm into at the mo.


Post 13


Can't find a clip that's long enough unfortunately, but I will post the short one here if you like.

God I'm such a folkie at the moment, it's slightly embarrassing. smiley - blush. It's bizarre, I like this stuff and bluegrass but I can't stand that yee-hah americana. It bores me stupid!


Post 14


Just so long as you're not into the songs about the day the dog died.

I remember Billy Connelly saying when he sees music books of country songs where they put the music, chords and lyrics and they put in the yoddels. He says he says the yoddels instead of singing. Very funny.

Tried to look it up on youtube but can't find it. If I come across it I'll let you know.


Post 15


no! I always think country lyrics can be a bit, well, odd (like you said, with stuff like the day the dog died!). The only country artist I ever really liked a lot (and haven't listened to any of his stuff for ages) was John Denver cos his lyrics were really good.

ok thanks! I like Billy Connolly, he's very funny! Did you mean he does the yodels instead of singing? smiley - biggrin
He plays the banjo doesn't he? I remember a clip of him on Parkinson where he was going to do a duet with Sting and his banjo wasn't in tune and he was like "hang on hang on... I'm not like you I don't have all these minyans around me going "och is that tuned ok for you Mr. Sting...!"

smiley - rofl


Post 16


Oh sorry, I've just re-read what you said, I get the thing about the yodels now (sorry I'm so daft!)
smiley - rofl!!!

...smiley - doh how on earth do you write a yodel? plus, why would you want to!!! smiley - rofl


Post 17


I'm guessing it's something like "yoddel-i-hi yoddel-oh". Not sure exactly. Must look next time I pass a music shop.


Post 18


smiley - rofl

Actually the written ad libs is something that really makes me laugh with sheet music. Written down, (like the words, not the stave stuff) they bear absolutely no resemblance to what is said on the records it's funny.

btw, you must let me know if I'm ever getting on your nerves going on about this folkie stuff. Unfortunately I have a habit of going on and on and boring everyone to death when I get really enthusiastic about something, so by all means tell me to shut up at any point...


Post 19


Go on and on as much as you like. But when you start admiring songs about the dead dog, then I'll have to act.

Talking to weird written lyrics, I once saw somewhere the lyrics to I Want To Break Free, where they'd put the English lyrics and a Spanish translation. Think it was a Spanish magazine. Dunno how the Spanish came out but some of the typos!! "Goo knows I want to break free" Just didn't have the same ring to it.


Post 20


Just remembered seeing this clip too. Very scary but funny.

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