This is a Journal entry by Kaz

My Hootiversary

Post 21


smiley - tongueout Beat you over.

My Hootiversary

Post 22


smiley - run


smiley - surfer

My Hootiversary

Post 23


Probably both would work.

My Hootiversary

Post 24


It's a bit like that thing in Rocky and Bullwinkle when Bullwinkle gets stuck in the PC and he goes surfing through the web on a credit card. Good CGI in that film.

Sorry, it was the first thing that sprung to mind. smiley - erm

My Hootiversary

Post 25


Don't think I've seen that one. Surfing on a credit card? Not very streamlined.

My Hootiversary

Post 26


I think it was a credit card. Can't remember now. Ages since I saw it. Probably on over Christmas. I guess it's that kind of film. Kids animation, you know.

My Hootiversary

Post 27


Loads of that sort of stuff on at Christmas.

My Hootiversary

Post 28



My Hootiversary

Post 29


Robbie the Reindeer, the Snowman, .....

My Hootiversary

Post 30


But Robbie the Reindeer's better! smiley - smiley

(well, I think so)

My Hootiversary

Post 31


Haven't seen it in a coupke of years. though Ardal O'Hanlon's good. Funny guy.

My Hootiversary

Post 32


I like Ardal O Hanlon he's brilliant

My Hootiversary

Post 33


Was so funny in Father Ted.

My Hootiversary

Post 34


yeah. I don't know how he could say his lines with such a straight face! He cracks me up

smiley - biggrin

My Hootiversary

Post 35


I know!!!! Do you remember the bit in Father Ted when they were staying in a caravan and ted was trying to explain to him that some cows were toys and really small and the real cows were just far away? was very funny.

My Hootiversary

Post 36


smiley - biggrin No I hadn't seen that one-not that I can remember anyway

My Hootiversary

Post 37


Was so funny. Ted was being so patient with him and he still didn't get it. "These cows are very small. Those cows are far away." You have to see it.

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