This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!


Post 21


Hi all,

I've never tried Carmen Banana, but I've occasionally gone for tuna.

Mmmm Tuna ....,!

smiley - towel


Post 22

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

Please excuse me while I giggle smiley - roflsmiley - laugh at FordsTowel's joke! Nice one smiley - towel!

smiley - magic sounds as though little smiley - fish and his school pals had a terrific performance and a resounding success Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote! Poor little smiley - angel, what a trooper as you said. Proud Mum, you must be! smiley - magic

smiley - sorry I've been somewhat tardy in offering my congratulations Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote. It looks like I've missed out on a lot of very educational stuff too. smiley - doh Now here sits ignorance personified, I hadn't a clue about a single thing you all were talking about...smiley - blush. smiley - ta folks, I'm a *wee bit* wiser now. smiley - winkeye

smiley - hollysmiley - xmastreesmiley - crackersmiley - santa Merry Christmas one and all! smiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - xmastreesmiley - holly

Prideth smiley - dragon


Post 23

You can call me TC

Hasn't anyone else's kids done any Christmas play? It always moves me - even when the children aren't my own.

As for what Ford's Towel says about joining in as much as you can with your children's activities I certainly agree. I really love watching mine perform. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for me, they didn't form their band until they were big enough and old enough to carry their own cables and tune their own instruments. I helpd by providing the beer, though - and never missed a gig - to the amusement of their friends.

I remember my mother sewing me a beautiful daisy costume for my very first acting experience at the age of 6 - I think for a May Day or end of summer term play.

The mothers who sewed costumes got a special mention from the Headmaster at the school play this week, too. In fact he was so busy praising and thanking the people behind the scenes, that I think he almost forgot to give the performers their due! For a headmaster, he's a lousy public speaker.

In the next post I will give you a link to the pictures. AS it leads to a German site, it will no doubt get yikesed, so I'm not risking including it in this post.


Post 24

You can call me TC

click on "Weihnachtskonzert 2003"


Post 25

You can call me TC

Unfortunately, the picures are badly exposed, and I am not visible on any, although I am hidden in the dark.


Post 26

Zarquon's Singing Fish!


I'm not going to yikes it - and there's an English homepage! smiley - wowThe pictures are lovely, TC! I wish it came with sound. Where were you on the pictures?

I can remember my first acting debut. I was an angel in the Infant school Christmas play. We had to hide behind chairs and then pop up to sing 'Away in a Manger'. I think there were eight of us. A friend's daughter got to play the Virgin Mary in her school play. smiley - magic Apparently, the play was a bit short, but nicely done.

I can imagine your children being somewhat embarrassed at having their mum at their gigs - were they? Little smiley - fish is still immensely proud of me - it's rather nice.

Prideth smiley - dragon If you get the opportunity of seeing a children's Christ mas production - do go - even without littlies there, its a smiley - magical experience. smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 27

You can call me TC

No - my kids didn't mind me being at their gigs - other parents were usually there, too, and friends of all ages. Provided I kept a low profile and didn't go round saying "That's my son on the guitar" - "that's my other son singing" I was tolerated.


Post 28

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

What were they playing, Accept's greatest hits?

Nice link. I loved the englischer page...
"And since November '97 it even has its own McDonald's" smiley - yikes
is that a good enough yikes for you?


Post 29

You can call me TC

They played real old stuff like "Born to be Wild" right up to modern stuff - anything that gets a room full of kids going - great atomsphere!


Post 30

You can call me TC

Shame that's not a word "Atomsphere"

Of course I really meant "atmosphere"


Post 31

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Atomsphere *should* be a word! Reminds me of a friend who had (I think) an Asian mathematics teacher, who confused people talking about 'sapphires' - he was actually talking about 'spheres'. smiley - laugh

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 32

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Yeah, we had a Principal in Jr. High who said column as coll-ume!


Post 33

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, it's just brought to mind a colleague at work (an ex-colleague now, as she retired a year or so ago). She was full of them. And no matter how many times *we* said the right word to us, she carried on blithely getting it wrong and having us in hysterics. She used the word 'draconian' to mean 'antedeluvian'. But then, she was one of those people who talks 'at' you, rather than to you, and doesn't really listen to what you're saying at all. She had her own fixed ideas and no amount of discussion would change them.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 34

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - biggrin Howdy doody peeps!

Shh! Don't tell him I told you, but hubby does that too. He says *satisfication* instead of *satisfaction*, and *Paramacetamol* instead of *Paracetamol*. Sounds like your pain is magicked away by a smiley - ghost, or that you've to be a trooper (Para) about it, and just soldier on. smiley - laugh

Prideth - festive smiley - dragon


Post 35

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - laugh Paramacetamol! smiley - laugh The paratrooper one sounded good to me, Prideth smiley - dragon

Aren't people funny sometimes! smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 36


Hi TC, and Queenie,

It's also fun getting involved in the kids' choir stuff. My son loves doing show songs in their concerts. My wife and I made him a 'Joseph' coat in 8th grade.

As a high school senior, his school hosted a Broadway dinner theatre concert. The theme was Beauty and the Beast's 'Be Our Guest' which was the opening number. The director had arranged to rent the actual show costumes, but the deal fell through due to changes in the touring schedule. We offered to make them three costumes (Belle's was a beautiful gown that another mother had made); and we produced Lumiere (my son's), Cogsworth, and Mrs. Potts.

I did most of Lumiere, and all of Cogsworth (helped just a bid with Potts'). It was most gratifying to hear parents ask, 'how did you get the costumes; we thought that fell through?' The video tape came out great, a real family pleaser. My little smiley - dragon lead two group numbers, had a solo and a duet, and was part of the singing/dancing group of Madrigals for another three numbers.

At least the credits listed my wife. I was, unfortunately, ignored.

I loved making his Willy Wonka suit for one production, his dragon costume for another, and even go to 'fly' him as Jacob Marley. All good memories, and all reasons to stay involved.

smiley - towel


Post 37

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

And in all probability, I've got this sort of thing to come. You sound to have lovely memories of it, Fords. smiley - smiley

Just been to the Dome to the Winter Wonderland - mainly a huge funfair with lots of whizzy roundy uppy downy things which little smiley - fish was too small for. however, they had a Santa's Workshop (with a really long queue), but a nice Santa and lots of elves doing stuff afterwards. Santa was fairly young and Welsh.

There was also a German market, which was probably the best bit. There were lots of colourful stalls with really nice quality items, unlike the other stalls in the 'Winter Wonderland' which mostly consisted of tat. The Germans do Christmas rather well.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 38

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - laugh Yeah, Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote, I liked the 'Paramacetamol' one too! People are, as you say, funny. smiley - laugh
The Winter Wonderland thingie at the Dome sounds like fun smiley - somersault, and I'm sure it'll be no time at all before little smiley - fish is big enough for the whizzy roundy uppy downy things. They grow up too quickly don't you think? smiley - sadface Does wee smiley - fish still believe in smiley - santa? I always think that the longer they believe, the more magical it is. smiley - winkeye The German stall, did you buy some Stollen Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote? smiley - droolsmiley - laugh

smiley - wow What a proud Dad you must be FordsTowel smiley - towel! Little smiley - dragon will soon be going on to win Oscars! It sounds like a real family enterprise, and full of fun and wonderful memories. smiley - sadface Unfortunately, my two little smiley - dragons were never into drama, so I've kinda missed out on all the fun of making costumes, etc. My eldest is into computing and the behind the camera type stuff, whereas, my youngest enjoys music, (learning the guitar) and art. They're both really good too, so I'm still very much a proud Queenie! smiley - biggrin

Prideth/Queenie - festive smiley - dragon


Post 39

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Good morning, Prideth smiley - dragon

I'm having a very loud morning. Litte smiley - fish son't stop talking. Who was it on h2g2 said, 'when (whoever it was) topped talking, their brains start working!'. Definitely seems to apply here. Even when we ignore him, he continues, repeating the same stuff over and over.

No, we didn't buy any Stollen, but I already have two in stock. I did buy a glass dip pen, though. The tip is a swirl, which when you dip it in the ink acts as channels to supply the ink to the paper. Works suprisingly well - and it's really pretty too. Clear glass with green spirals.

Does little smiley - fish believe in smiley - santa? Good question. Someone at school told him that it was just the parents. Boo! He kept asking, saying he partly believed in smiley - santa. What a shame that some kid has spoiled his belief.

Yes, Fords does sound to be a proud dad. smiley - cool You too, Prideth smiley - dragon - not a dad, though! smiley - laughsmiley - weirdsmiley - silly

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote


Post 40

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

*crosses fingers for 2nd time lucky* smiley - grovel

smiley - biggrin Mornin' Z smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Booo! Bad person telling little smiley - fish that smiley - santa doesn't exist! smiley - cry Of course he does! I still believe in smiley - santa! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - laugh

It sounds like the Christmas spirit has well and truly invaded little smiley - fish, smiley - boingsmiley - somersault, just excited I suspect. Oh, here, may be that's what's up with my brain? I do tend to twitter on like a budgie, . Oops, that should be ! smiley - laugh

Things are really quiet here just now as everyone is out....smiley - zen Won't last though.

smiley - wow Ooooh! Pretty pen! Two Stollen, huh? Oh! I finally got my first non-virtual reality (yummy as that was, smiley - ta) mincepie yesterday! Yay! I know, that could be why I'm so cheery. smiley - laugh

Proud? Yep! smiley - erm....I was a *Mum* last I looked. smiley - laugh

Prideth - festive smiley - dragon

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