This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 1

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I will be glad (or will I?) when it really is over. Talk about the Year of Hell! (Star Trek Voyager smiley - ufo) Today has been warm and humid, and we haven't (yet) had the predicted rain. It *always* rains on Labour Day, always has since 1980 (the last time I got sunburnt! smiley - star

smiley - musicalnoteJustin Hayward is singing 'Forever Autumn' on our stereo,smiley - musicalnote and I've just been reading fascinating stuff on the Phillip K Dick website (Exegesis.) Amazing! What to do, what to do? No doubt, he wondered that himself... I am reading the David Gemmell book, 'The Legend of Deathwalker' and the PKD book 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' - I am hooked!

I am told it's just started raining. Now *there's* a surprise! (Not) November 2nd is not far away now, in fact, it's scarily close and the effect on the whole of the world is going to be huge. I predict that we'll be waiting with bated breath for a result, and there will be considerable sickening innuendo and spitting in the air, in the immortal words of Rick Wossname in Muscle and Fitness. Now, the 'Moody Blues' are singing 'The Voice', a song which is actually very optimistic. A little known fact - Johnny Farnham released a very different song called 'The Voice' in the same year, 1986.

I'm so excited about the Brazilian Grand Prix. Juan Pablo Montoya qualified second, and with his skill he should be able to pull off a win, or at least a podium finish. Anything that sees someone other than Schumacher in 1st place is all to the good... *I* am not getting up at 05.00 to watch it live, oh no, but my smiley - weird son is...

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 2


That’s weird! Two or three hours ago I watched the weather forecast on CNN, and there it was said that whole New Zealand is flooded with rain! Did they make that story up? smiley - doh

'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' – Isn’t that the Blade Runner story? (I’m always inclined to say “Road Runner” instead of “Blade Runner” – isn’t that embarrassing?! smiley - silly) Or am I on the wrong track? smiley - huh
I’ve never seen the movie, and I don’t want to as long as I haven’t read the book. I bet it’s great!

katkodl smiley - blackcat

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 3

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

No, CNN are probably not wrong! We haven't watched TV tonight, so haven't seen any news stories or listened to the radio, so it's quite likely... I can't hear rain right now, but I did when I did that journal entry - maybe 40 minutes since?
Yes, that's Blade Runner... I've seen the movie 2 and a half times, the last time being the 'Director's Cut' - it's awesome and stars my hero smiley - drool Rutger Hauer. I've just started the book, because Ani whose-last-name-I-can-never-spell has a thread about the works of Phillip K Dick - so I got the book from the library, in order to discuss it intelligently. As I said, it's awesome, though depressing... Well worth reading!

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 4

ani ibiishikaa

The movie is different from the book.

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 5

Rik Bailey

Blade runner is a great film.

The film is different from the book. And the game is way diferent to both of them.

Have you seen split second, another great film starring his name I can never spell but has style.


The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 6

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

See also the convo. on Adelaide's/ my pages for my theories on Dick.

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 7

Researcher 556780

Hey smiley - biggrin Adela!

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 8

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Very different indeed, as I am finding! smiley - cool

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 9

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Adib, there's a game? I didn't know! No, I don't know that film, I'll check it out on

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 10

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hi, to you too, MV.. Nice to see you!smiley - biggrin

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 11

Researcher 556780

Well I just wanted to stop by and say hi.

I like that song 'forever autumn' too, isn't that from War of the Worlds sound track?

smiley - rainbow

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 12

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yep, Forever Autumn is from War of the Worlds - we have three copies, we had a condensed (?) one, then bought the full one, then got my brother's when he died...
We also have it on a Moody Blues greatest hits album which I bought myself for my birthday back in 1998! (Well, my friend in Germany sent me DM100, which in those days was the same as $100.00 NZ, so I splurged! The album was just part of it.
I hope you've had, or will soon have, good news about your Dad...

The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 13

Rik Bailey

Yeah there is a game of blade runner.

Its a bit old now and only on the Pc but it is quite interesting. You get to test people to see if they are human or not, an you can tune it so it gives a false reading....

Anyway you play a cop investigating a murder I think, its been so long since I played it.


The year has gone by more quickly than I did expect - 24th October 2004

Post 14

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

It sounds good, Muzaakboy! There are so many 1000s of games out there, and so little time...

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