This is a Journal entry by paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The reasons why you cannot turn paper plates into shoes (a dream)

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I dreamed that someone had started a trend toward putting strips of plastic around the edges and center of paper plates, and strapping them to your feet to be used as shoes.

The biggest advantage would be that you could slide on the plates, allowing you to move so quickly (except on stairs, where you could break your neck smiley - yikes ) that you wouldn't even need a car or bus to get around smiley - cool.

In my dream, I covered 30 miles on the paper plate shoes, but it was very strange. Several times, the shoes came off and I had to reassemble them. smiley - sadface

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The reasons why you cannot turn paper plates into shoes (a dream)

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