This is a Journal entry by GrandSamDonald

Another North / South Divide

Post 61


There is nothing funny about turning failing schools around with astoudingly successful GCSE results. Go laugh in the faces of the students at Emmanuel College and tell them that you think they are getting a second rate education and see how they respond. Sir Peter Vardy is a wonderfully caring philanthropist, and has turned around the lives of millions of young, disenfranchised people. Just because you have a bee in your bonnet about creationism does not give you the right to slander the reputation of one of this country's finest educationist.

Another North / South Divide

Post 62


How's the holiday going, Sam?


Another North / South Divide

Post 63

Jock Tamson's Bairn

Well, SlamDunk, I take it that the Guardian piece was too difficult for you. You don't seem to have read it, or you have but resorted to the usual lying bluster rather than deal with the facts.

No surprise there, then.

"Just because you have a bee in your bonnet about creationism"

Er, no.

The BEE in MY bonnet is about stupid (stoopid, actually) creationists who raise their head above the parapet by going on to the Science Board and spouting a load of lies, libel and deceit.

Does that sound like anyone we know, SlamDunk?

The wean.

Another North / South Divide

Post 64



The Guardian is hardly an unbiased paper. Asking the Guardian what they think of Christians is like asking a socialist what they think of the Conservative Party.

Another North / South Divide

Post 65

Jock Tamson's Bairn

"The Guardian is hardly an unbiased paper"

Well, GN, being as that comes from the man that thinks the world only came into existence last Tuesday week, and who has told me in no uncertain terms that I am "evil" anyway, I think I'm fairly safe WITHOUT the pinch of salt.

The wean.

Another North / South Divide

Post 66

Jock Tamson's Bairn

"Sir Peter is doing very well indeed on his own, and has done wonderful work in this country as an educationalist. If you had a scrap of integrity about you you'd recognise that."

Well, GreatSlamDunk, there's a transcript of a BBC radio programme online (that I am sure you can locate if you use a scrap of this quote from it):

"At the local council there’s concern that Sir Peter Vardy’s brother, David Vardy, has been paid more than £14,000 for work at the school, the money going through the Billy Graham Association which employed him. In addition, the Vardy car dealership charged the school more than £110,000 for marketing and recruitment. In all, almost £300,000 has gone from the academy to individuals or organisations linked to Sir Peter Vardy."

As that is taxpayers money that is being skimmed off, I quite agree with you, Sam, that "Sir Peter is doing very well indeed".

It buys a fair bit of Brunello, does £300,000. The stuff I buy is around the £50 mark, so I reckon that would be about 500 cases. (Better order the taxi in advance.)

I'm sure it's all perfectly legal - however it was you who brought up the subject of "integrity", wasn't it?


The wean.

Another North / South Divide

Post 67

Jock Tamson's Bairn

"There is nothing funny about turning failing schools around with astoudingly successful GCSE results. Go laugh in the faces of the students at Emmanuel College and tell them that you think they are getting a second rate education and see how they respond. Sir Peter Vardy is a wonderfully caring philanthropist"

A man who gets his mates a 30K skim out of the system is a "wonderfully caring philanthropist"?

Nice one!

The wean.

Another North / South Divide

Post 68


Perhaps another graduate of the Oral give-me-eight-million-bucks-or-God-will-strike-me-down Roberts University (Philanthropy Department).

Another North / South Divide

Post 69

Jock Tamson's Bairn

I posted this earlier:

<<"There is nothing funny about turning failing schools around with astoudingly successful GCSE results. Go laugh in the faces of the students at Emmanuel College and tell them that you think they are getting a second rate education and see how they respond. Sir Peter Vardy is a wonderfully caring philanthropist"

A man who gets his mates a 30K skim out of the system is a "wonderfully caring philanthropist"?

Nice one!

The wean.>>

Can anyone spot the deliberate (decimal point) mistake?

Correct! The Vardy skim was £300K. How many teachers can you pay for that?

Ain't politics wunnerful?

The wean.

Another North / South Divide

Post 70

The Cybercontroller from Telos

I did actually take a job as a postman once, but subcontracted the work to a less well off friend. Made a tidy profit as well! Wonder if this is legal?

Another North / South Divide

Post 71

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"There is nothing funny about turning failing schools around with astoudingly successful GCSE results"

Even the ones that weren't failing until OFSTED went in and said they were?

I wonder why OFSTED would do something like that?


Another North / South Divide

Post 72

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

Of course, Bairn, the way to hamper Vardy is for you (and everyone else who thinks he is a crook) to not buy cars from his dealerships. Indeed encourage your friends and family to do the same. Boycott Vardy dealerships and you hit him where it hurts - the pocket.

Another North / South Divide

Post 73

Jock Tamson's Bairn

I quite agree Cap'n.

Count me in as a Vardy 'voider.

The wean.

Another North / South Divide

Post 74

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

Perhaps we could start a MakeVardyHistory campaign?

Another North / South Divide

Post 75

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - laugh

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