This is a Journal entry by GrandSamDonald

Demons are Real

Post 41

The Cybercontroller from Telos

Will he burn bigots like you?

Demons are Real

Post 42

The Cybercontroller from Telos

>I, for one, shall be singing praises to my Lord and Saviour when He comes to burn down the institutions of government,

So you have decided not to become a tory MP then?

Demons are Real

Post 43

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

MP? What about cabinet minister? Sam, there's no point in doing all that work is there?

Demons are Real

Post 44

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

It would appear so. And he's still an ignorant littlet tosser as well.

Demons are Real

Post 45

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"So you have decided not to become a tory MP then?"

I think finding out that knowing the identity of your father counts against you may have convinced him not to bother.

Demons are Real

Post 46



What is the aim of preaching? Is it to convert people?

Thanks for answering,

smiley - space- Jordan

Demons are Real

Post 47



It is quite simply to follow the commandment of God to 'preach the Gospel to all nations'.

Demons are Real

Post 48

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Huh. That sounds about right. Sam only obeys direct commands, and never inquires any deeper.

Demons are Real

Post 49


>>It is quite simply to follow the commandment of God to 'preach the Gospel to all nations'.<<

Then why is it that you spend most of your time preching the torah and the letters of Paul?

Demons are Real

Post 50


Thank you very much, Sam. smiley - smiley

As well as fulfilling this commandment, when you preach, do you aim to convert people? Or do you have any other aims? I'm simply curious as to what ends this commandment aspires.

smiley - space- Jordan

Demons are Real

Post 51



I preach because the Lord tells me to do so; if He wishes that some will respond to it, and be born again, then He shall bring that about. Who gets converted or who doesn't isn't really a concern of mine.


I preach neither the Torah nor anything to do with the letters of Paul, which were written to CHRISTIANS not unbelievers. The ONLY message I preach to the unsaved is that they are stuck in sin and need to repent. That is the Gospel of Grace.

Demons are Real

Post 52







Just in case you missed that first time round . . .


Demons are Real

Post 53


Thanks again, Sam. I had always assumed that preaching was intended to help those who might seek understanding, rather than being solely a labour of obligation on behalf of the preacher.

It is good of you to share this; I think that some people here had the wrong impression as to why you are preaching.

smiley - space- Jordan

Demons are Real

Post 54


JI preach neither the Torah nor anything to do with the letters of Paul

Bullshit. Your entire theology is, in fact, based on one wholly assimilated jew's misunderstanding of the torah and gospels.

Demons are Real

Post 55



Sorry to keep pestering, but I've got another question. If you could preach to somebody and get any reaction back from them, any reaction at all, what would it be? What would be the best response you could ever hope for?

And, um, yet another question, if it's not too much trouble! smiley - smiley How does the Gospel of Grace work? Can anyone who repents sincerely be saved?

- Jordan

Demons are Real

Post 56


Jordan, I think you are flogging a dead horse!

I don't think sam is interested in how many are converted, just in spreading the word. A bad reaction just supporrts his beliefs.

aljismiley - wizard

Demons are Real

Post 57


smiley - book "Jordan, I think you are flogging a dead horse!"

I'm just curious. Hopefully, Sam doesn't mind indulging my curiosity.

smiley - book "I don't think Sam is interested in how many are converted, just in spreading the word. A bad reaction just supports his beliefs."

In which case, after a few weeks ih this forum, they'll be positively anodised. smiley - smiley

Seriously, I'd like to know what he *is* interested in; particularly what he thinks about the people he preaches to, and his hopes for them. We were told by Jesus that the most important commandment of all is love, and are told to love our neighbours *and* our enemies. So Sam loves all of us, non-Christians included. That means he has hopes for us. Perhaps he will share them.

smiley - space- Jordan

Demons are Real

Post 58



You are correct in what you say. I strive every day to love my neighbour, as the Lord commands. But, in showing that love, it is my absolute duty to tell people that which God commands - to REPENT and be BORN AGAIN. That is the Gospel of Grace.

Demons are Real

Post 59


You love the people you're happy to see go to hell? You are either a liar or a hypocrite.

Demons are Real

Post 60

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

can't he be both?

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