This is a Journal entry by Yael Smith

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Post 1

Yael Smith

It snowed last night. I'd never have noticed if we didn't have to go into it with Ryan. Poor child has a very frightening rash all over his body and a fever that goes up and down all the time. We thought it was.... well, anything from Chicken pox to Rubella, our doctor thought it was just an allergy to Antibiotics, and the doctor and nurses in the children's hospital thought it was very impressive, and what a rash should really look like. I think they have no idea what it is, and therefore only give us antihistamines and Paracetamol, and not anything that actually helps. So my babbling, active little boy is home for the second day in a row, itchy, miserable, sleepy, and very quiet, when he doesn't whimper pathetically. Me? I'm at work. In a bad mood and feeling quite guilty for not being with him and his daddy. Last night they've managed to lower his fever enough to get him babbling and giggling, even walking for a bit, but this morning he woke up all miserable again. And I just want to know- what's wrong with you baby?smiley - erm

Current events

Post 2


It could be a virus ,they often mimic rubella.Try calomine lotion for the itchy.dab it on ,it's very cooling. poor Ryansmiley - hug hope he's well soon.

Current events

Post 3


smiley - hug
hope all is well soon

Current events

Post 4

Lady Scott

Did they culture him for strep?

One would think that they'd pick up on this sort of thing, of course, but it sounds strangely like scarlet fever. I've seen the fever up and down thing, with rash, and it did indeed turn out to be scarlet fever (which is a type of strep). smiley - erm Assuming that's the sort of rash he has. But if it's a hive-y rash instead, then it's probably an allergic reation.

Thing is, if his fever keeps going up and down, and they still see any signs of infection, I don't understand why they didn't also put him on a different kind of antibiotic, instead of just assuming it's a reaction to the one he was on.

Oh, there's also a childhood disease called Fifth Disease that causes a rash, fever, and miserable little kid. (Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox... and the fifth one is just called fifth disease. Guess they ran out of names. smiley - winkeye)

Current events

Post 5

Yael Smith

It was a reaction to all the medicines he was given that were overloading his system. We've gone back to just Lactulose and he's given antihistamines, and now he seems completely normal- no fever, no rash, nothing. Very strange. They did give it a name, but it's very long and I can't remember or pronounce it. Something with deforma. I think.smiley - erm

Current events

Post 6

Shea the Sarcastic

Glad to hear he's getting better! smiley - ok

Current events

Post 7

Yael Smith

Thank yousmiley - biggrinsmiley - hug
What are you (were you) doing online???

Current events

Post 8

Shea the Sarcastic

I find time to occasionally come online ...smiley - winkeye
smiley - hug

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