This is a Journal entry by Catwoman


Post 41


And, as I said up the page, I would never presume to argue with that. No-one's ever been swayed either way on this by high minded arguments (gonna take that as a compliment, BTW) or convoluted logical proofs. It's a kind of pure, non-empirical belief, almost intuitive... or so I'm told, anyway. smiley - smiley

Is that a Riding Lights Theatre Company reference near the end there? Gosh, what a rude and presumptuous question. Sorry. But the 'I believe in God because I've met Him' line sounds like something from one of their sketches... not that I'm implying you can't express yourself extremely articulately in your own words or anything... oh, dear, I'm down a hole of my own making once again...


Post 42


But when you say you've met Him, do you mean feeling something in the brain, rolled in a spasm, met a guy calling himself jesus..?

And I'm not trying to sound sarcastic.


Post 43

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

Firstly, is it a riding lights quote? Not that I'm aware of. Though one of my friends DID use to work and tour with them, so maybe I picked it up from him.

Secondly.. I mean it in a "in the brain, feeling" kind of way. Not that I think that makes it any less real. I've experienced what I can only explain as being God whilst worshipping, I've had words and pictures that have been relavent to people in areas I didn't know about, I've seen healings, I've seen 100s of people weeping with the broken heart of God and filled with the anger of God at an injust world.


Post 44


How do you mean 'had words and pictures...'.

Sorry I'm just not writing that sentence out again!


Post 45


Neilfish, if God created the universe how exactly does that mean that the universe doesn't exist? Surely if God created something then it *does* exist.

God as creator makes as much sense to me as the big bang, so why not?

I actually have been looking into God's existence, and decided that according to my personal logic there's no reason why not, then progressed onto wanting to believe in him/her/it, and now I do. I had a mini-experience, just a feeling of a presence, but internal. So yes, logically I can see that it looks completely like I've talked myself into it. But I spent enough of my childhood in fantasy worlds to know the difference between reality and something I've made up. And anyway it's better to have convinced myself than to be convinced by others.


Post 46

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I don't think there is any answer to the question 'If God created the world, then who created God?', anymore than there is to the question 'If the Big Bang was a collision of gases (or whatever it's supposed to have been - I'm hazy there) then where did the gases come from?'. If you believe in a creator-God then God just is.


Post 47

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

CW, where did I say that if God created the universe then it doesn't exist. I *did* say that the universe is not all there is, that there is something "outside" of it i guess. I'mconfused now- you always seem to confuse me. Grrr!


Post 48

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

are you gerr-ing 'cos you're confusing - or because she's pinching your role smiley - tongueout


Post 49


Sorry neilfish, obv I was confused (and so you were creating the confusion in me, and I was perpetuating it). You didn't say that at all.


Post 50


Did I say it? It sounds like my brand of bafflement and confusion.


Post 51

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

Shall we just say that no-one said it? That I almost said it, but didn't, and CW filled in the blanks (that weren't there either) to come up with the phrase she got confused at. So in a sense (well, in actuality) SHE wrote it first. smiley - erm


Post 52


I physically wrote it, but I didn't create it, I didn't believe it, and I don't weant to keep talking about it.

(where has our intellectul conversation gone?)


Post 53

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442


Anyway, I pretty much was just answering questions and responding to posts,so I'mnot sure if I'm the person to kick-start the intellectual bit again. I think that's your role CW.


Post 54

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Well then you've met a none human intelergent being who did not create the universe.


Post 55


Who has met a "none human intelergent being"?

(resists temptation to react as Caiustone would, and label the author of that statement as a preumably human none intelergent being, beause spelling is not an indication of intelligence)

A little more specificity would be nice, there. And if I were you I wouldn't immediately dismiss another person's spiritual experiences, simply because you don't understand them.


Post 56


There's a kind of karmic poetry in the way that last post had a spelling mistake in it.

(CW's gonna claim it's a typo, obviously... smiley - biggrin)

But she's right about personal spiritual experiences. Even an egomaniacal know-it-all like me knows better than to tell people what PSEs a person should and shouldn't have.


Post 57


Well, thanks for the support, but I know that you understand the difference between a spelling mistake and a typo. (it's in the intention)


Post 58


Oh, you know I'm just joshing with you! You must admit it was quite funny that a typo should crop up at that particular moment... smiley - biggrin


Post 59


"joshing"? smiley - biggrin

Typos pretty much crop up in all of my postings, because I don't type that much and think that generally people will get the idea. So ot hugely coincidental. Unless it was a reminder that stating 'I am not going to say this mean thing' involves saying it. Even though I know that spelling/typing skills are not necessary to posess a valid argument, they're just helpful in conveying the message.

(and I don't know how many s's in posess, it might be possess)


Post 60


Joshing, japing, winding you up, having you on, ribbing you - hey! Come back with my thesaurus!

smiley - hug

Gosh, you should see (prolly have seen) some of the shocking typos that've made it into my Post articles...

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