This is a Journal entry by Mrs Bojangles

Customer service? Where?

Post 1

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - cross

smiley - bleepin' Telewest and I have been playing this game for the last couple of months. I paid via cheque for June's bill. It gets withdrawn from my account.
I suddenly get all my services cut, phone, tv, internet.
I call and ask why, they say, 'we haven't received your payment'.
I say, 'yes you have, says so here on my bank statement'.
'Don't believe you' they say, 'get us a copy of the cheque. We'll reconnect your services though until this matter is resolved, cos you're a long standing customer with good payment history'
'Gee thanks' I say.
Since then, I've had my services cut a total of 4 times, yesterday included, and lost count of how many times and people I've spoken with from Telewest. Eventually, on each occasion, they reconnect my services, and promise not to disconnect them, until the cheque arrives.smiley - rolleyes
The photocopied cheque finally arrives yesterday. I call Telewest. 'I have the cheque, it's on it's way to you as soon as I put the phone down. Why have my services been cut again, put them back on please?'
'No, we won't reconnect your services until we have the cheque in our hands'
'But you promised you wouldn't cut them again...this is not my fault, this is your error. Clearly states on the cheque that it's made payable to Telewest Communications, and has my Telewest account number on the back *and* it's been drawn from my account by you'
'Tough! We can't do anything until we see the cheque.'

smiley - steam

smiley - grr

Photocopied cheque and nasty letter sent to the Missing Payments Department.

Photocopied cheque, copy of nasty letter, and further letter of a muchos venemous complaining type thing sent to the customer services boss bod.

All services mysteriously reconnected at some point today, without so much as a phonecall or by your leave.

Needless to say, I'm looking to take my custom elsewhere.

Thing is, I had a similar problem with BT about 7 years ago and vowed I'd never have dealings with them again...anyone know of any good internet providers that don't require a BT line.smiley - erm

Customer service? Where?

Post 2

Trin Tragula

Oo, wow - it's good to have you back, anyway smiley - hug

I wouldn't leave it there though smiley - cross These people have seriously messed you around. Bombard them with complaints till they offer to give you everything free for the rest of your natural.

Customer service? Where?

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh Jangly, things like that really make me smiley - grr I sometimes wonder how they can survive when working as badly smiley - bigeyes I mean, if we did that, we could close our shop after a few weeks, no customer would ever deal with us again

Customer service? Where?

Post 4


Tut, problems , problems, problems, its always the same with you isnt itsmiley - biggrin

I had a similar thing with Telewest 2 years ago, they said they hadnt received my DD payment, but before letting me know this, i was cut off, snipsmiley - grr

After many phone calls later from my mobile(and that aint cheap), they said that they had now received it, but wont connect me until next months payment was received, which wasnt due until another 2 weeks.

I quoted some law balderash to them and explained that my uncle was the business editor of the Which magazine, the other end of the phone went quiet and some higher geezer came on phone and said it would be connected straight away, and it was, since then i have cancelled DD and pay via cash through Pay Point system.

But like you i didnt want to go to BT and thankfully it hasnt happened again.

Oh, by the way hi Mrs Bsmiley - ok

Customer service? Where?

Post 5

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - smiley

Good to be backsmiley - hug

Oh I shan't, I've demanded a written explanation of how and why a cheque drawn from my bank account with all necessary details included could possibley have mysteriously disappeared from their records, and thrown a few ascerbic comments in about their customer service.

Thing is, it's an absolute nightmare to find someone who sounds like they know what they're doing, then it seems they forget to tell anyone else about it.

The bank were just as bad, I ended up speaking to someone in India who told me it's impossible for me to speak direct to my branch. I had to leave my number, for them to leave a message for someone to call me...which they never did. It took four weeks to receive a photocopied cheque which I was promised in 10 days.

Everywhere's rubbish at customer service.

Worst of all, I missed Lostsmiley - cross

Customer service? Where?

Post 6

Wilma Neanderthal

"everything free for the rest of your natural."

Hear bluddy hear smiley - steam I'm getting Talk Talk - with much trepidation. Wanna try that? Dead cheap from all the blurb I've seen.

smiley - hug and a

smiley - smooch

Customer service? Where?

Post 7

Mrs Bojangles

Exactly B'Elana, I've worked within customer oriented jobs all my life. I'd exect to get fired for treating any customer this way, let alone not go all out to try and resolve the problem.

Shut yet face BKsmiley - cross Am so not a moaning minnie...much. I've paid subsequent bills in this time, and afterall, we do pay a month in advance for this service. Telewest are fine, unless you have a prolem. Ever had to call the engineers out? I think my average is 5 missed appointments before they deign to turn up.

Hi Willerssmiley - hug
I was looking at talktalk too today, but I think it's a BT line needed for them, I don't have one anymore. Also, I think they have a limit to their packages thingy.

Customer service? Where?

Post 8

Trin Tragula

"Worst of all, I missed Lost"

smiley - steam

I'm sure there's something in the European Charter of Human Rights about that smiley - run

Customer service? Where?

Post 9

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Hi Mrs B

I've never had a problem with BT we've been with them for about 7 years now

Customer service? Where?

Post 10

Wilma Neanderthal

No' tha' you is be needin' no 'elp, bu'... 'ere ya goes anyhows:

smiley - giftA4643507smiley - gift

smiley - hug

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