This is a Journal entry by Montana Redhead (now with letters)

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 1

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

A baby shower at the Four Seasons...okay, I can do that. So I did. And here's what happened (I'm not kidding)...

I made it to the Four Seasons, although if you aren't careful, you blow right by it.

Given the nature of parking in LA, I drove up the front to valet. It was a typical hotel setup, with a curved drive at the front door. Standing under the awning was Dennis Hasbert (the president on Fox's '24'). I stopped, expecting him to cross. He didn't go, so I started to drive, then he started to walk, so I stopped, he stopped, and then both of us went forward again, then we stopped, he laughed, I waved, and he got into his limo.

So, I get out of the car, the valet gets in, sees that I've left my gift in the car, and calls out to me. I turn around, and my hand goes flying up, quite of its own volition, and I smack LL Cool J right in the face. I turn to apologize, then said "are you...?" and he just nodded and kept going. I retrieved the gift.

I made it to the garden area with a minimum of fuss, although I stopped off at the bathrooms. I knew I was in an alien land when I walked in...there was an attendant, and I saw no sinks. I had just wanted to wash my hands. The attendant noticed my hesitancy, and pointed me towards what I assumed were the stalls. They aren't stalls...they are half baths. Toilet and sink, repleat with different lotions, and real towels!

The garden was simply on the tables, real crystal, china and silver. There were tea menus on the table...I helped take them off, as to not disturb the shower guests (I was severely disturbed...$26 for tea, a glass of champagne, and assorted tea foods?! but the truth was, it was worth it. Finger sandwiches to die for, bite sized tiramisu, and lemon curd for the scones? Oh, my!). I went to the front to assist one of the hostesses getting things out of her car, and low and behold, look who's checking in...Larry Flynt. One of the other shower guests, knowing how the mother-to-be loves politics, had him sign her card. He wrote, "Congrats on bringing a new life into the world! Don't give them hangups." Quite a nice man, actually. I may vote for him.

The party was lovely, the gifts were fun (a full layette from France, Von Dutch clothing, etc...goodness, where do these people get their money!). I met a former actress who now works as a bartender at a local "it" spot, who told me some funny, and juicy, celebrity tales, which I will not repeat here.

While I was waiting for my car to be returned, I saw the Christopher Walken and Malcolm McDowell having a conversation, and Alan Rickman (whom I didn't recognize at first, because he had white hair...perhaps for a role?) getting into his limo.

The latter part of the evening I spent at my friend's house, which is in Laurel Canyon, which is only 3 miles from Rodeo Drive in distance, but world's away in attitude. When I asked about the fastest way to get back to the freeway I needed to take home, I was told to go down Hollywood, or Sunset, through the 'touristy' part of LA. It took me the better part of an hour to go three miles, but it was worth it. I saw Hollywood at night...the glitz, the glam, and, one block over, the hookers and dealers. Quite a contrast.

All in all, a very interesting day.

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 2

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - wow Surreal!

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 3


Sounds like quite an experience. It's nice to say you've done these things, like swimming with dolphins, or bungee jumping or going to Hollywood. It's nice to see how the other half live.

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 4


Sounds like a lot of fun ! I don't suppose you got any pictures....

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 5

life is like a cup of coffee...

Sounds like it was a blast, I am a little jeleous though when my wife and I were in LA the only celebrity we saw was Sinbad.

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 6

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I actually do have pictures, but they're not developed yet. I felt like such a tourist! I was just agog at the amount of money being thrown around there...just stunned.

That's the LA experience, I guess. I think because the Emmys were the next night, a whole lot of people were in town.

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 7


Now WHAT could Christopher Walken and Malcolm McDowell be discussing?! Boy, I'd like to be in on THAT conversation!

Alan Rickman! smiley - drool

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 8

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

It took me a full 24 hours to realize it was Alan Rickman! I'm hoping Walken and McDowell were discussing doing a movie together!

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 9


Cool or what! See how the other half lives and all that. What a great time out.

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 10

soeasilyamused, or sea

allright, now i'm jealous.

i've lived here almost 20 years and STILL haven't seen as many celebrities as you have in a year! smiley - steam

smiley - winkeye

that very well might be because we locals avoid leaving our homes when there's an awards show going on. traffic gets wacky and it's just not worth it. smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 11

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

It was a baby shower...can't really argue with the schedule on that one!

Traffic was wacky...Hollywood was closed off, and it took me the better part of an hour to crawl from Laurel Canyon to the 101.

My Adventure with Hollywood

Post 12

soeasilyamused, or sea


yep. i used to live right near the USC campus, which is sandwiched between the Shrine Auditorium (where the Emmys are held) and the Coloiseum/Sports Arena/Natural History museum (where lots of cultural/sporting events are held). Needless to say, I really wished that i was subscribed to a sort of notification list when special stuff was going on, because a lot of the time i couldn't even park in front of my own apartment. smiley - steam

but i'm well away from that now. all i have to deal with at the current place is the tar pits and the LA county museum of art. neither attract huge crowds like sporting events and the emmys do. smiley - winkeye

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