This is a Journal entry by Montana Redhead (now with letters)

How I feel about being 35

Post 1

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I don't really know. i don't feel old. But i do feel bad that the most thoughtful gift I got was a pack of cigarettes from the biscuit.

How I feel about being 35

Post 2


Happy Birthday, you seriously young personsmiley - biggrin
(I'd have been thoughtful, if I'd have known, and have been a bit closer, honest...)
Pinsmiley - kiss

How I feel about being 35

Post 3

soeasilyamused, or sea

happy birthday, MR! in my (somewhat limited) experience, birthdays lose more and more meaning as you get older. i hardly remember my last one.

oh, yes. some smiley - bleep broke into my car and stole my stereo, so my birthday gifts were replacements. how very... functional. *rolls eyes*

not quite as romantic as it was when you were a kid, huh?

How I feel about being 35

Post 4

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Hey, I got two checks, and my car stereo. So I know the feeling. But my stereo kicks butt, so it's all good.

How I feel about being 35

Post 5


MR - Happy Bday. I have found that the best way to approach bdays is to not expect anything. Then whatever you get is something that you weren't expecting. I use the same approach for Xmas.

It has definitely helped.


PS - 35 isn't that old, I'm 32. It's how old you think you are not how old you physically are.

How I feel about being 35

Post 6

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Well, in that case, I should NOT be in grad school, nor am I capable of taking my daughter to an R-rated movie.

How I feel about being 35

Post 7


For the record, I would like to point out I got you a gift...sure, it was several days late and only a gift certificate, but well...yeah...uh.... smiley - blush

And I do believe the saying is "you're only as young as *who* you feel"!

How I feel about being 35

Post 8

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Ah, then I *am* old enough to drink!

How I feel about being 35

Post 9

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

I'm only as old as I think I am? Is that similar to "You're as old as you act"?

In that case, I'm 19, going on 90. *sigh*

How I feel about being 35

Post 10

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Yeah, well. Today, I am 64. Tomorrow, not so much. But that's only in the morning.

How I feel about being 35

Post 11


Today I feel like a grouchy 80 year old man. I have a mosquito bite on my forehead and am operating on very little sleep. smiley - cross

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