This is a Journal entry by Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Sometimes I forget to think

Post 1

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Sometimes, it takes really embarrassing yourself to realize that what you say on H2G2 can affect others halfway round the world. I have been talking to a wonderfully witty, funny, smart person who I felt would be a perfect fit in one of the many ongoing conversations here in HooTooland. Unfortunately, some rather catty remarks made by myself and others about a new (and inexperienced) researcher turned on us, because this great person is the aforementioned researcher's son. He read what we had said about his father, and was really hurt over the comments we had made.

I feel very badly about this situation, and I, for one, will be a bit more aware of what I say on HooToo from now on. You never know who might read your post.

Sometimes I forget to think

Post 2

Ancient Brit

If you take the time to press the right button it gives you time to think. smiley - biggrin
You must know by now that my lad's a talker he has no time for chit chat.
At my age I try to Lurk before I Leap
You must also know that we hold no grudge. smiley - rose

Sometimes I forget to think

Post 3

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Yes, well, I've stopped beating myself up, but I'm still a little more aware of what I say. Part of growing up I guess (and if I ever stop growing up, I suppose I'll have died!).

Sometimes I forget to think

Post 4

Ancient Brit

I tell my grandkids - 'Learn something new every day' smiley - ok

Sometimes I forget to think

Post 5


Hey, MR...

I just found this. I wasn't hurt smiley - hug
(Do keep telling me I'm wonderful, though. I can relate to that)

You want to know how I stumbled on this? I put you into that new "Friends" box. Then I tried the clickable links that appear with the added names, and tumbled into your Journal.

smiley - yikes

See? You're wonderful too!
Pinsmiley - biggrin

Sometimes I forget to think

Post 6


Hey, MR...

I just found this. I wasn't hurt smiley - hug
(Do keep telling me I'm wonderful, though. I can relate to that)

You want to know how I stumbled on this? I put you into that new "Friends" box. Then I tried the clickable links that appear with the added names, and tumbled into your Journal.

smiley - yikes

See? You're wonderful too!
Pinsmiley - biggrin

Sometimes I forget to think

Post 7

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Friends box?!?!?!?!

and thank you. The mutual admiration society can now hold its meeting!

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