This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony
Thanks for the warning!
Thorn Posted Jan 21, 2012
Very occasionally I get political action ads telling me I should go to a site to sign a thing that supports the very opposite of my positions on things.
Thanks for the warning!
IctoanAWEWawi Posted Jan 21, 2012
It is always good to have our views challenged to help ensure we are still thinking things through and not lazily accepting views from others. I think google (or whoever) is providing a very worthy social service by reminding us to think and keep up to date .
Thanks for the warning!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Jan 22, 2012
I thought Arlo Guthrie was a liberal, but I recently learned that he supports Ron Paul
True or not, I shall never be able to understand US'ian politics
Thanks for the warning!
Thorn Posted Jan 23, 2012
If you scoot everything a few notches to the right on the political spectrum from your starting point then the news makes a bit more sense.
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Thanks for the warning!
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