This is a Journal entry by FWR

Meanwhile, at a production meeting near here.

Post 1


*No, nope, bleedin dull, not a chance, booooring! '

Steve Swann winced, as yet another few hundred pages of the screenplay were torn out, and fed into the toaster by a very unconvincingly dressed Norse Letterbox.

*But Henry, dude, that's the historical stuff, Erm, that sets the scene, gives the background, keeps the wardrobe peeps in a job? '

*Hysterical stuff is just, well, and here's the important bit Stevie….'

Swann took the bait and leant in towards the fake beards Henry was so proud of.

*... all that, oh the curtains were red bleedin velvet and, the formal buttons glinted crapola… Du. Uh. LLLLLL!*

Henry went on with the edit, smearing the copy with crumpet butter, *Keep. More blood, severed head - nice! Bigger sword, more gore, better gore, kill the dog (arrows maybe?) . Big finish. Bish, bash, bleedin bosh, get the girl, done!*

And so it was 'The Chase' became the shortest movie to ever be nominated for (and win) the Flamin Crumpet Film Award for Best Bleedin Hysterical Movie…. 7 minutes and 27 seconds. (Inc. 3.20 soundtrack)

Meanwhile, at a production meeting near here.

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I sorta wish there were less bloodshed and gore, but I'm just one person against the vast throngs who enjoy that sort of thing. smiley - sadface

Meanwhile, at a production meeting near here.

Post 3


Boy, are you in the wrong place, but it'd be a boring world if we all read, wrote and liked the same stuff.

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