This is a Journal entry by FWR

Plan the Ark...please!

Post 1


I know..let's dress up like bees and glue ourselves to the government's diesel guzzling bus! That'll show them!

Erm, hey, Meadow, don't wanna be all heavy but...

Hey this is a safe place Butterfly, speak you mind...

Erm the Liberals aren't erm actually the man.. man.

Ah ok..?. we'll glue ourselves to this eco damaging diesel bus then!

Ermm, Psst, Meadow it's an electric vehicle dude! It's what we want all the dudes to travel in!

Ah, ok?...I'll glue myself to this eco friendly bus, to show a political party who aren't in power, who agree with our movement, that erm....

Erm and Meadow...?

Yes, what now you annoying ****?

Just saying, that glue is a petroleum byproduct, just read the label!

And this my friends is why we needs an Ark B.

Plan the Ark...please!

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - laugh

[There's a tendon-cy to make glue from muscle, bone, and tendons form animals. But carry on....]

Plan the Ark...please!

Post 3


And that's made the vegans day!

Plan the Ark...please!

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Jello: not kosher, not vegan.

I dunno whether cyanoacrylate occurs in nature, but I wouldn't want to meet it on a dark night. smiley - winkeye

We used to have this silliness in the Sixties. Dumb street theatre that nobody got. Misplaced protest. Ineffective protest. People yelling 'back to nature' while hugging their electronic equipment...

Common sense: still in short supply on Planet Earth.

Plan the Ark...please!

Post 5


People's front of Judea stuff going on over here! They're not warriors, they're just very naughty boys!

Kodak story of stumbling upon superglue funny though.

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