This is a Journal entry by There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Dad's gorn dahn the dog track, Muvver's playin' bingo

Post 21

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I've had flu twice in my 48 years - the last time was in the winter of 1997/98. I'd never consider getting a flu shot because it's simply one of those things that you get from time to time. I know that flu epidemics have killed millions in the past, and I can understand how the flu is something you might not want to catch if you a compromised immune system, or fall into one of the 'at risk' categories, but the vast majority of the population really don't need one.

If it was a choice between have the flu or having a shot that would protect me against having the flu, I think I'd probably take the shot. Flu - proper flu - is very unpleasant. It takes a lot to keep me in bed, but I couldn't move for three days last time I had it. I took to my bed on Wednesday evening and only got out of it to go to the bog. I next to ate nothing for three days. I woke up at around 3am on Sunday morning drenched in sweat - that's when my fever broke.

I didn't go back to work until Tuesday.

However, most people who think they've had the flu have had nothing worse than a bad cold. I heard a piece on NPR a few days ago about the vaccine shortage, and at the end of it they suggested doing what people have been doing ever since we understood how communicable diseases are spread - using your damn common sense and staying off work, staying away from others, and not spreading the damn germs smiley - cross

Dad's gorn dahn the dog track, Muvver's playin' bingo

Post 22

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Do you have something against germs? smiley - cross

smiley - winkeye

Dad's gorn dahn the dog track, Muvver's playin' bingo

Post 23

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Doesn't everyone? Except for germologists smiley - laugh

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