This is a Journal entry by Frump


Post 1


My first addition to the Guide. I will try to update this often and will include daily (or relatively similar) quotes from my favourite books and any other interesting or funny things.


Post 2

88425 (...older, and yet LESS wiser...???)

Looking forward to it...


Post 3

The God Pigeon

Greetings Frump,
I'm Dirk Gently, a local ACE (Assistant Community Editor). We come around to all the new people to see if there getting along alright. So, are you getting along alright? Need any help? Well if you do there's plenty of ACEs around to help and guide you though the Guide. Here a some places that may come in handy. Which is the NewComers Welcoming Page and which is the ACEs homepage. I hope you find these two pages useful, and I hope to see you around.
Dirk Gently

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