Guide to my guide...

Oh freddled purgedity of rottewigitty

Thank gobblygook shreckingly

Thy lucky corrobergnats that mine

Trebority site hodgeberried by you

Thank hoteryuggury hybrid goats

Mine liverwortage at thy service....

--Vogon Poetry-- The third worst in the universe

My name is not important, and it rarely gets used anyway. People call me Frump. Other names I am called derived from this are frumpty dumpty, frumpadump, frumpy and frumpadumpala. (Pretty silly really)

I am fifteen years old and in Year 10. I am Christian and have been for about four years (There's a really cool story to how I became one but it drags on a bit: if you want to read it tell me in the forum.)

What is a frump???????

The name had no real meaning and somehow just kinda stuck, but it is a REAL word. It basically means - a dowdy, drably dressed woman or man (rarely).

Extensions of this are: frumple, frumper, frumpy, frumpiness, frumpily, frumpish, frumpishly and frumpishness.

As I said before my name is not important, nor is my nickname really. What is really important is the Book. It is definitely the greatest book ever to come out ever - The Bible.

This GREAT book tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, straight from our almighty powerful Lord, God.

This God fellow was a really hoopy frood. He's so cool you could a side of meet in him for eternity, he's so hip he can't see over his own pelvis.

The reasons for this he created us, and the world, and everything in it. What's cool was he made us the ruler of his world beneath him.

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

--Revelations 4:11--

But we, being totally bad and just generally allround not good, rebelled and tried to rule our own lives. And ofcourse we stuffed up, tried to play God. Hey, we're only human.

"There is no one righteous, not even one, there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God, all have turned away."

--Romans 3:10-12--

God is not going to let us rebel forever, so pur punishment is death. Not so cool, but we deserved this.

"Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment."

--Hebrews 9:27--

But God sent his son Jesus Christ into the world as a man. Now Jesus was so amazingly perfect, that he never sinned or went against his father. Yet he died and took our punishment for us and so we were washed clean from sin.

"Christ died for sin once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God."

--1 Peter 3:18--

So we can be saved if we have faith in our Lord and his son, the Son of Man. For we cannot save ourselves. It is Gods free gift to us and who would reject a free gift?

For now I'll leave you with the words of the interstellar travelling earthling Arthur Dent:

"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."


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