Australian Tourist Scare Stories

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The Drop Bear

Originated in Australia from reports of koala attacks in early settlement days, now used to frighten tourists.
The story says that these creatures were direct descendants of tiny ground bears. The creatures adapted to human developement by taking to the trees. They still remember the human plundering during the early years, and often take revemge. They suddenly launch themselves at unexpecting bystanders, always when their backs ar turned. They are rarely seen, excepted grey flashes when they are ripping at the faces of the victims. Descriptions are vague, but the seem to resemble the common koala.

The Hoop Snake

An offshoot of the drop bear story. Originally invented to scare unwarey tourist cyclists. These snakes have the unique ability to coil up into a wheel or hoop shape and to roll. The have a craving for the taste of bike tyres and chase after them, totally wiping out the bike and knocking the cyclist into the bushs, making them a prime target for drop bear attacks.

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