This is a Journal entry by The Can-Man

Danish field-researchers

Post 1

The Can-Man

I´ve done a little research today to find out how many danish field-researchers the Guide has. So far the list consists of:

- Special Agent 132269 aka U132269
- Abi aka U281
- Pierce the Pirate (Love wholesale, limited liability) aka U109937
- KimotoCat aka U86204
- The Can-Man aka U126849
- Ottox (i´m so amused) aka U150740

I´m not looking to start some kind of danish sub-culture in the field-researcher community, but it´s always handy to know any fellow investegators near you, in case you have to leave this planet quickly.

Please enjoy your stay on this planet.
The Can-Man

Danish field-researchers

Post 2

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Nice! Now let's have that party! Just this morning I was offered 5 fresh *skrubber* for only 30 kroner. I already have potatoes and butter. So all we need now is beer, beer, beer, snaps and parsley - in that order...

Who wants to join?

Danish field-researchers

Post 3


Nej tak, vi hader skrubber, men øllene og snapsene kan vi da godt tænke os at møde.
We are Maharishi and Dargent(Patron Saint of Sticky Affairs) and we're obviously Danes (during longer periods of time).
Why don't we exactly go and make sub-culture, fagforening, club and bodega, so we can rejoice in our Danishness together. Halleluja!

Maharishi and Dargent(Patron Saint of Sticky Affairs)

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Danish field-researchers

Post 4

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Fine with me. Seeing as this is the can-mans place I will leave it up to our distinguished host to invite the others.

Beer and snaps are on me though - well, the first round anyway.


Danish field-researchers

Post 5


Ooooooh, free snaps! smiley - bigeyes

I'm afraid Can-Man's got something wrong, though. As far as I know, Abi isn't particularly Danish. But of course I could be (and indeed, often is) mistaken...?


Danish field-researchers

Post 6


Well, count me in amongst the *glimrende eksempler på dansk foretagsomhed på nettet*, that apparently flourishes around here!

Danish field-researchers

Post 7

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

You might want to go here (and then again you might not, but why don't you give it a try?):

Danish field-researchers

Post 8

Dargent - Patron Saint of Sticky Affairs

The danskhed will live forever... and then some...

Danish field-researchers

Post 9

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I may not have mentioned it before (and cannot be bothered to check) but If you go to my place you will find several threads on danish researchers should you be interested. They are named "4 danes..." and - er, now I cannot remember, sorry. But go there and check it out why don't you?

Danish field-researchers

Post 10

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

anyone interested in joining The Nordic Researchers Club? go here:

smiley - pirate

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