This is a Journal entry by Insane Endeavour


Post 1

Insane Endeavour

I've sent back my email to become an ACE! Eek, I'm scared but happy nonetheless.

Ok, now it seems I've been on h2g2 for such a short time... oh well. I'll keep you posted!

The insane, scared but happy 16-year-old one, who may become an ACE, with the fish signature!


Post 2

The Fish

I guess it's all about the amount of dedication you put into this thing... I mean I've been on the guide for ages now, but still haven't wanted to be an ace... I guess I'm happier not to..smiley - smiley

Where abouts in Reading are you? I'm from Earley way. Used to goto Maiden Erlegh.... But that was quite a while ago.smiley - winkeye

Are you a fishy type person? And would you like to vist my Pond? ... It needs some supporting from the Fish community, but hopefully should be thriving in a whilesmiley - smiley

Good luck with the Exams!

smiley - fish


Post 3

Insane Endeavour

I'm from completely the opposite direction! smiley - smiley Nearer Newbury but I still come under Reading. I used to live nearer the town centre though.

Dedication?! I'm almost enternally online, and always on h2g2. I'm quite obsessive about it really! smiley - smiley

I'm just about to pop over to the pond, and no doubt I will post a little message somewhere or another! I'm a kind of fishy type person. I have hundreds (well, I started off with 7, but they've bred) of fish in a pond which I am looking at right now! smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

Thanks for the luck,



Post 4

Ming Mang

How did you manage to get ACEd? ~Now~ I'm jealous!!
smiley - sadface



Post 5

The Fish

That's actually quite a ood question...!??? How did you manage it?

smiley - smiley

smiley - fish


Post 6

Insane Endeavour

Well, I just vollenteered at:

Simple really! smiley - smiley



Post 7

Ming Mang

I'm going to investigate...



Post 8

Insane Endeavour

Good for you!



Post 9

Ming Mang

Yes, I thought so too...
smiley - winkeye



Post 10

Insane Endeavour

smiley - smiley

YEY! People are beginning to talk to me again!!! I felt rather lonely - no one replied to any of my forums the other day... smiley - sadface



Post 11

Ming Mang

Oh, I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry Anni! I'm really so, soo sorry...

*runs off to IE's forum to reply...*



Post 12

Insane Endeavour

Lol! Thank you!!! I didn't mean it like *that* though! smiley - smiley *very happy cos she's got lots of forums to reply to now!!*

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley



Post 13

Ming Mang

Oh, that's OK then...
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley



Post 14

Insane Endeavour

Yep! It is isn't it!


Um, what is? Wait a minute, I'll read back.
OH YES! Yes, it is ok isn't it! It's great!!! smiley - smiley

who has such a *bad* memory


Post 15

Ming Mang

Yes, it is!

What's a memory?
(smiley - winkeye)



Post 16

Insane Endeavour

What's a what? smiley - tongueout

Ohhhhhhh dear...



Post 17

Ming Mang

What are you 'oh dearrrr'ing about?

What am I talking about?

[insert forgetful smiley here]

smiley - winkeye



Post 18

Insane Endeavour

What would a forgetful smiley look like?
I'd be interested to know! smiley - smiley

I would be interested to know what I was talking about too! *reads back* oh yes, that was it!

What was it? What was what? smiley - smiley



Post 19

Ming Mang

I'm sure I was going to say something, but I forget what it was...
And probrli haw tooo spill et koo.



Post 20

Insane Endeavour

Ich habe Englisch verloren!

who hopes you know a little German! smiley - smiley And hopes she remembers it right! smiley - bigeyes

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