This is a Journal entry by Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

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Post 41

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

I alreddy did before..I was the one with the idea of taking them round rehab words and the like smiley - smiley
but I forgott silly me smiley - smiley

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Post 42

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Ooops - so did I smiley - blush

But I guess we are both apologized - seeing as it was a long time ago we last saw this thread? I remember your posting now - even without reading the backlog! smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

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Post 43

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

my god it was that merable..thats a first I usually just spot giberish smiley - tongueout

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Post 44

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Gibberish is my middle name smiley - silly

smiley - pirate

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Post 45

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

odd I thought it was dave smiley - tongueout

Dope? Nope!

Post 46


You may recall posting 19, which stated the fact that cannabis alleviates asthma. Do you know where that posting went? Or why it has been censored by the BBC?
The postiing contained factual information taken from [URL removed by moderator]

Did ANYONE have a problem with that posting? Or should I just add "CENSORED BY THE BBC" to my resume? I believe that DNA is already spinning in his grave over this...

Dope? Nope!

Post 47


Lizardly, firstly you can't use URL's in postings - find out why by reading the houserules and the moderation guidelines, here.

The post was removed, because it promoted an illegal activity.

Can I also point out that if you send rude and aggressive messages to the staff of h2g2 again, you will be barred from the site. Everyone here gets on really well, and if you don't like our rules you can leave. Douglas spinning in his grave about moderation? I think not, and can I say that that's a really offensive thing to say right now; since you didn't even *know* Douglas, did you?

Community Editor

Dope? Nope!

Post 48

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

look will people get it though their head MODERATION IS NECESSARY and on this site it isnt that bad. there are much worse sites for moderation trust me on this.

Dope? Nope!

Post 49


You don't know me; you don't know if I knew DNA or not. I think I knew him enough to know he would not approve of your censorship.
Telling people that cannabis helps asthma does not promote any illegal activity. Post 20 said it helps sclerosis, but you did not censor that one. Medical marijuana is LEGAL here in California. Also in Canada, Holland, Switzerland, etc etc etc. Why does BBC impose it's narrow-minded standards on users of an international website? Afraid you'll be sued by some offended person? If BBC were subject to the first amendment you would be sued for censoring the H2G2 website. My comments to you moderators are not as rude as you seem to feel; you are too thin skinned. Free speech means people have the right to be offensive anyway. I did not mean to insult you but it is outrageous that you people claim to carry on the legacy of FREEDOM and free exchange of ideas that DNA promoted, all the while censoring anything that does not fit into your parochial world view.
So why did you remove my comments about cannabis but not all the other comments about it?
This moderation business is a very bad idea and if you keep it up a lot of us will voluntarily boycott your website without being asked to leave. Since BBC took over, this website has gotten less and less fun. Thank you Big Brother BBC!
Don't expect me not to be angry. Arbitrary abuse of power usually angers me. Your immoderate moderation has created the Zaphodista movement-- Surprise, surprise! Remember physics? Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction? Sound familiar? It means that the more you censor this website, the more people will join the revolutionary movement of the Zaphodistas. Viva Zaphod! Long live the Zaphodistas! El peublo unido jamas sera vencido!

Dope? Nope!

Post 50

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

for gods sake carnt you see whay it has to be like this??
a little compony can get away with a dam site more than somthing like the BBC people wil sue the BBC because it has money. they have to protect them selves how long do you think the funding would last if they where getting complantes??
I mean really step in to the real world for a second. once they realise that we wont be linking to dogy sites they may be relaxed but that wont happen while people aree still moning about the rules

Dope? Nope!

Post 51


The rules suc.

So much for a site whos' goals were free thought and gentlemanly arguement.

I never met DNA.....never knew his thoughts or opinions....only his work and this website. If he's spinning..its' on account of where this "baby" has gone.

H2G2 is not what it was, and it can never be again.......

A free exchange of thoughts and is now only the free exchange of the BBCs' thoughts and ideas.

Thats' sad. It had such potential.


Dope? Nope!

Post 52


How does converting the open anarchy of the old H2G2 into the purified pablum acceptable to the BBC Overlords protect anyone from anything? BBC already posts disclaimers all over this site stating that BBC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for entries and postings created by the H2G2 researchers. Under what theory can BBC possibly be held liable for anything posted by the researchers?

Dope? Nope!

Post 53

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

bevcause they own the place, they provde the servers space and they have the abilaty to remove anything going out. it is the same as in a news paper, if an editer of a news paper printed an article sent in to them by someone promoting say chaild laber or somthin they would be liable, same applyes here.

Dope? Nope!

Post 54


...Which just goes to show that you didn't know Douglas at all. There are some really good discussions over at the Community Soapbox perhaps you might read some of them. Feel free to contribute your own questions there too.


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