This is a Journal entry by Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

43 today

Post 1

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

I got the best birthday present I have ever had. I listen to loads of radio, spending more time listening than I do surfing or viewing put together. So I got given a Pure Bug Too this morning. It
* Sounds fantastic
* Look great
* Records radio programs on a memory card
* Plugs into the stereo

The best thing about it is the electronic program guide, which allows you to see what's coming up and select it for later listening.

It also starts up with two friendly big blinking eyes staring at you!

43 today

Post 2


First off, Happy Birthday, FM! And many happy returns, etc.

Your birthday present does sound like a wonderful device; somebody there must know and care about you a great deal to come up with such a thoughtful gift. And that, perhaps more than anything, makes you a very fortunate person indeed.

I've never even heard of such a thing, but it certainly bears looking into. Don't know if we have such things here in the states, but should be able to find out easily enough.

Incidentally, I top your age by 20 years and change! And still seeming to manage quite well thanks.

It's my wish that your day today, as well as those to follow, will turn out as well as you could reasonably hope for, and then some.


43 today

Post 3


Well, many happy returns sir! smiley - gift

43 today

Post 4

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

I share the same birthday as Sir John Betjeman (if you listen to R4, which I have done a lot today, hardly surprisingly). And a certain Dr King made a VERY famous speech on the day I was born smiley - blush

43 today

Post 5

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Do you have DAB in the US? I thought it was only recently you got cellphones!

43 today

Post 6


smiley - okHappy Birthday! smiley - disco

43 today

Post 7


"Do you have DAB in the US?" You're asking the wrong person! I'd still be writing with a quill pen if a few tech-savvy friends didn't prod me along from time to time, with me complaining and grumbling loudly all the while, I might add. Thanks for the link. Your new device appears to be the radio counterpart of TIVO, the digital video recording device. My only TV has a three-inch screen and a single rabbit ear; the best of my FM receivers is a dinosaur, but it still pulls in Prairie Home Companion on Saturday evening. Doubt if you're fortunate enough to get that over on your side of the pond, but I hope I'm mistaken. Good show, that.

43 today

Post 8


Happy Birthday FM!smiley - cheers

43 today

Post 9

McKay The Disorganised

Happy Birthday FM.

"And a certain Dr King made a VERY famous speech on the day I was born" - Would that be his famous "Good grief nurse, you're not supposed to slap the baby's face !" speech ?

smiley - cider

43 today

Post 10

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

No, it was the 'Nurse, I said "prick his boil"' speech.

43 today

Post 11

I'm not really here

Hope you had a really good day!

43 today

Post 12

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

It was good, thanks. Lots of lazing about interspersed with cooking, eating and drinking. My health has been holding up as well, so I was quite pleased about that, but I think they day when I have to go for the op is getting closer smiley - sadface.

I have to hang around the house today as my daughter has decided she wants saxophone lessons at school so I bought one on eBay and it's being delivered. Unfortunately, eBay didn't have much in the way of earplugs.

43 today

Post 13


"day when I have to go for the op is getting closer" Since you brought it up, while not wanting to pry I can't help being interested and curious to know more; I've seen references to your health in earlier posts as well.

Regarding the sax, be sure she listens to some Ben Webster, Coleman Hawkins, John Coletrane, Paul Desmond, etc., for a bit of inspiration! That way you soon may be able to dispense with the need for ear plugs. One can hope, anyway.

43 today

Post 14

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

You really don't want to know, believe me.

43 today

Post 15

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

"the best of my FM receivers is a dinosaur, but it still pulls in Prairie Home Companion on Saturday evening. Doubt if you're fortunate enough to get that over on your side of the pond, but I hope I'm mistaken. Good show, that."

Certainly is: we get it on BBC 7, but it's billed as 'Garrison Keillor's Radio Show'. BBC 7 is the sister channel of BBC Radio 4: both concentrate on intelligent speech, but 7 does mostly comedy, drama, serials etc.

DAB gives all 11 of the BBC nationwide radio channels which is enough for anyone, believe me, with the possible exception of Classic FM which has a rather more middlebrow approach to classical music than Radio 3. Then there's the local BBC radio channels as well, and you have a hell of a lot.

43 today

Post 16

Sea Change

Happy birthday!

Do you have to pay extra to the BBC for digital service, or is it part of one's regular license?

43 today

Post 17


"Certainly is: we get it on BBC 7, but it's billed as 'Garrison Keillor's Radio Show'." I'm pleased and a tiny bit surprised to hear it! His brand of humor is more than a wee bit "regional," for lack of a better term. Even here in the states, some people who did not grow up in the specific cultural environment which he re-creates and pokes fun at simply find it all a bit odd and not much to their liking, so I'd be curious to know how that humor "translates" for listeners in the UK. Apparently reasonably well or it wouldn't stay on the air. Some humor, especially that which pokes fun a human nature, does tend to be somewhat universal. I've been a huge fan of the Monty Python crew. Enjoyed the recent h2g2 entry on 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.'

43 today

Post 18

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Answering the first question:
No: it all comes as part of the package

The second question:
The humour travels very well, actually. It's very self-mocking and deprecatory of pompous behaviour, this being an approach that goes down well in the UK

43 today

Post 19


Oh, I do like a little of the Woebegone Tales (not sure on my spelling there)...

43 today

Post 20


"(not sure on my spelling there)" Close enough, and probably better than I could do. Glad to know that one of my favorite shows is well received there, too.

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