This is a Journal entry by third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)
third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs) Started conversation Nov 10, 1999
I am trying to put a pic. of the clipper on the home page if any one can help please let me know
Researcher 93445 Posted Nov 16, 1999
You'll need to do two things to include a picture on your home page:
(1) Find a home somewhere else on the web for the picture, because H2G2 doesn't let us upload pictures to their servers. Geocities is one possibility.
(2) Write GuideML that links the picture to your page. I recommend visiting the GuideML clinic to find out more about this. There's a link to the clinic towards the bottom of the H2G2 home page.
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted Nov 22, 1999
Hi, the h2g2post, a newspaper a few researchers are in the process of putting together, has got web space which we are going to make available to h2g2 researchers to post pictures at. They can then be linked to your h2g2 home page.
You will find links to the paper on my home page at or go to MadMunk's page. He is co-ordinating our website
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted Nov 24, 1999
The page with links to get a picture put on the web which you can then put on your page lives at
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