Journal Entries
attention good visisitors
Posted Dec 15, 1999
Oh great and kindly visitor, I have just finished a major revamp of my guide article "Galveston, Tx, USA" If you would be so generous with your time as to read it and let me know what you thought (I'm a big boy I can handle the truth) I would be enternaly gratefull, and if following your review you droped by the Forum&Firken pub I would happily buy you a C|_| for your trouble
thank you
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Latest reply: Dec 15, 1999
change is a good thing
Posted Dec 13, 1999
to any visitor my home-page is about to undergo dramatic revision- following finals and the break. stay tuned for major improvements.
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Latest reply: Dec 13, 1999
guide entries
Posted Nov 23, 1999
Howdy ya'll trying to get feedback of any sort on my articals if you would like to helo a chum out I would be very apprecitive.
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Latest reply: Nov 23, 1999
Posted Nov 10, 1999
I am trying to put a pic. of the clipper on the home page if any one can help please let me know
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Latest reply: Nov 10, 1999
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."