Hi! Ever heard of The Kootenays?
No, it isn't like The Crabs; it's the most beautiful region of British Columbia, in Canada. And it's where we live, surrounded by mountains, lakes, snowboarders and ageing Hippies.
Our main interests are gardening, loud obnoxious rock n roll and apple cider. We are just now discovering the wonders of modern technology, such as the computer and will compose a scintillating introduction to our new home page after we find out what scintillating means. I'm not sure if I have ever scintillated or not, but I'm sure I could learn to enjoy it.
Anyhow, we're Mick & Hoppa Canuck. Cheers! :-P

((OH. I've been asked why I end "PLT, Mick"....
Y'know how folks end off, "best wishes" ?
Well, PLT is short for
"Peace, Love, & Tranquility"... those ARE my best wishes. ;-)
So, PLT, Mick))


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Mick & Hoppa Canuck

Researcher U142384


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