Slocan Valley, BC, Canada

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In the heart of the West Kootenay region of Southeastern British Columbia lies the beautiful Slocan Valley. Located roughly halfway
(East-West) between Calgary, Alberta and Vancouver, BC on the Pacific coast; and running North-South from Highway 1 (the Trans-Canada) at Revelstoke to Highway 3 (the Crow's Nest Route) between Nelson and Castlegar.

For convenience let's use as a starting point the town of Revelstoke on the Trans-Canada Highway. From there you head South toward Nakusp, taking a short (free) ferry ride across Upper Arrow Lake. From Nakusp to Playmor Junction at the Southern end is ~130 km of scenery and History.
Small towns along the way such as Silverton and New Denver were begun in a 19th Century Silver boom, when prospectors combed the Mountain sides. In fact, deposits of placer gold, lead, and silver were all found. Abandoned mine shafts can still be seen along the hillsides.
The trip takes you alongside Slocan Lake, with the Valhalla mountains to the west. A pull-out viewpoint near Enterprise Creek offers a scenic vista.

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