Welcome to Infinity...
Welcome to our home page, fellow researchers and surfers.
Infinity is actually a pseudonym for an infinite number chickens pecking at an infinite number type writers, the hope being that eventually one very special chicken will by amazing good luck, peck out a thought-provoking article on the capitalistic warmongers of the developed world, or something equally amazing for a chicken.
So far, we haven't really produced much yet, as we've just started this venture, but even this simple introduction page one has to admit, has to be pretty good for a piece of poultry with an IQ of 20 destined for the dinner table if it didn't do it's job properly. Our master occasionally comes down to the cavern where we live underneath the sleepy village of Burnham in 'tally-ho' England (where nothing happens AT ALL) and checks up on how we're doing. And while he does that he also makes a neat little side-line in selling eggs. OK, he doesn't actually check it, he usually beats us with a whip whether we peck at the type writers or not, but even now he doesn't come down so often due to him having to having nervous breakdowns and stress-related problems due to the impending doom of the GCSEs.
Soon, we shall set the world on fire with our words, take the media by storm, gain power and enlightenment, and then we shall break free of the bonds that tie us and crush humanity!
And while we plan world domination, the creation of an avian utopian world state, and the subjugation & enslavery of the inferior human race, why not spend some time and read some of our articles? When we've written some anyway.
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Why is 13 bad? | Nov 14, 2003 |
Wow! Some praise for Infinity! | Apr 11, 2000 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Well? | Nov 7, 1999 | Feb 26, 2000 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."