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Why is 13 bad?
Graham Started conversation Nov 14, 2003
The number thirteen has, as you have explained, allways been regarded as having bad or supernatural implications. I noticed that you left a glaring ommission in your entry. It pertaines to the ancient Knights Templar. They were the only "warrior monks" ever to exist. Their mission was to protect pilgrims on their way to the holy land during medival times. They eventually became very influential and rich, seeing as the pope excluded them from any taxes, and as a result became extremely wealthy. It is even rumored that they were in possestion of the holy grail. During the twelfth century (1300's) their power became so great that the king of (either Spain or England, perhaps France, I'm a little sketchy on this) disbanded the order, claiming that they were anti christian. He banished them from Europe. The order was disbanded on October 13, 1307. The Knights Templar also give us: the Knights Inn, The Red Cross (their emblem), The famous "skull and crossbones" flag (which they displayed after their exile), Freemasonry, and among other things, Christopher Colombus. It has been proved that the Templars, in their wanderings after exile, found the continent of America. Many years later, Colombus sailed under flags marked with the red cross.
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Why is 13 bad?
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