This is the Message Centre for Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4561

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Trying to earn a badge, Dragonfly?

smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4562

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

You could say that....

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4563

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

You could say that....

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4564

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's hilarious that that last LED was all me... smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4565

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

DUDE!!! I can go to bed now!!!

(Archangel!!!)Dragonfly(Keyword: Muse) Think HMS this May Day. We Deliver Nice Baskets. A472501 GO AVS!!!!. (206 posts, average size 92)
Sergeant 'Indiana' Mushroom and GA cat Cleo- what day is it? (205 posts, average size 62)
Cybercat: ACE, Patron Saint of Poems+Stories, Defender and Assistant Keeper of Lutefish, a United Friend + well, its a big list (139 posts, average size 62)
King Cthulhu of Balwyniti (73 posts, average size 79)
Tally, ACE, Guru, Keeper of insignificant beings like myself and the muse of archaeological discoveries (73 posts, average size 134)
VIP (very important Princess) [ACE] Tum ti-tiddly tum te tum (te tiddly tiddly tum!) (66 posts, average size 77)
Parrferris (The Rabbit's in The Post) (62 posts, average size 55)
Goshoogoshoogosh. Monday Tuesday Wednesday THURSDAY Friday Saturday Sunday (51 posts, average size 126)
lizzy (now has 3 beatiful rats but is feeling sad for one stupid reason) (49 posts, average size 53)
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump??' click here for definition... (49 posts, average size 108)

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4566

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

:::presents Dragonfly's Girl Scout LED badge:::


There, it's beautiful. smiley - biggrin

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4567

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

DUDE!!!! smiley - ok

Go to bed. smiley - hug

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4568


She's quite quite mad you know...

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4569

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Does she stay up all night to get to top of the posters list?smiley - yikes

Here, Dragonfly, have some smiley - cheesecake and a smiley - towel

You deserve them....smiley - tongueout

smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4570

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OOO... that's guys!!!

::wipes her face clean with the towel, takes it the the Toga Dry Cleaners and puts her special pin on it when it's all nice and clean::

::finds that the cheesecake has been eaten...::


::feels compelled to post this again, h2g2 or her computer being retarded...::

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4571

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OOO... that's guys!!!

::wipes her face clean with the towel, takes it the the Toga Dry Cleaners and puts her special pin on it when it's all nice and clean::

::finds that the cheesecake has been eaten...::


::feels compelled to post this again and again and yet again, h2g2 or her computer being retarded...::

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4572


Hi everyone
How are you all?

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4573

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I meant... thanks... hee hee... eh...

Hi Cybercat!!! smiley - hug Welcome to this crazy place they call my fan club!!! WHHEEEE!!!

I must now go to school... smiley - geek

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4574

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I meant... thanks... hee hee... eh...

Hi Cybercat!!! smiley - hug Welcome to this crazy place they call my fan club!!! WHHEEEE!!!

I must now go to school... smiley - geek

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4575


You`re funny
smiley - smiley
But I like you

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4576


I don`t have a Fan Club
Maybe I`m not popular enough
smiley - sadface
smiley - biggrin

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4577

Uncle Heavy [sic]

oooh! this just in! Dfly is the most popular conversation!

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4578


smiley - cool

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4579

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I presume here.....

Dragonfly, have you got smiley - huh

*pats D on the back*

*offers glass of water*

You should drink that backwards.....hehehe

I brought you another slice of smiley - cheesecake my dear.

I like the smell of your smiley - towel I think I might drop by your dry cleaners with my spare smiley - angel gown.

Do you know Mina is collecting BLOBs here?
Any lost BLOBs around here?smiley - huh

*looks under Dragonfly's tablecloth*

smiley - whistle

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4580

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - blush That's my toga, not my tablecloth, Missy!!! smiley - tongueout

YAY!!! I was a busiest conversation!??? WHHEEEe... some three hours ago though.... I'll have to stay online all day. Forget classes... heh...

NO!!! The show must go on!!!... what show!?? THe show called SCHOOL.... yes........

Thank you for the new cheesecake, AGB....

smiley - hug cybercat
smiley - hug UH
smiley - hug AGB

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