This is the Message Centre for Lost in Scotland

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 141

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Good stuff. I take it that a 1 is the highest grade you could get, right? Back when I went to school in Sweden, we had it the other way around. 5 was the highest grade you could get, and then it went downwards, and the lowest you could get if you actually just showed up to class, was a 1. But it seems as if you've done good this year.smiley - smiley Will this help at all in your search for a Uni in Edinburgh, maybe give a little leverage on your folks or anything?smiley - winkeye

Dentists are never going to give you praise for how much you brush your teeth. It's not in their job description. I think it's pretty weird, cause my teeth has never been very bad in any way. I've only got one filling (although the filling got stuck in some candy thing I ate and disappeared, and I haven't gotten it fixed yet), and that's it. My dentist found a bunch of teeny cavities last time I was there, but none of them were big enough to warrant a filling.

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 142

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

yEAH 1'S ARE THE TOP GRADE 7'S ARE THE (Opps Caps lock!) THat's bettersmiley - smiley 7's ar ethe worstsmiley - smiley

It's like A used to be the best now it's F!!!! All too weird for my liking and it scared my mum and dad when I came home with an F on my report card! Took ages to convince them it was goodsmiley - smiley

I hate the dentist! Completely mean!

I didn't get the filling I've got to wait a month until I get that and then it's the day after my sister leaves for Uni for goodsmiley - sadface

Anyway Instead of the fillings I had to get models made which involves having large quantities of yucky blue goo on gum shaped plate things put in your gob and pushed until they go hard...totally gross! And I havent had to have them done for 4 years which is a good sign in a weird way as it means that I should be braceless by the end of the yearsmiley - smiley Means having a bridge or summit but if it means I dont have a mouth full of plastic and metal!smiley - winkeye

Then I think I'm gonna have to have an operation or implants or summit which knowing my luck will be in another 4 years time!smiley - laugh

Oh well I'm sure I've grossed you out enoughsmiley - smiley

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 143

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Gross me out? Pu-leeeaze!smiley - smiley I've worked in health care. Nothing grosses me out anymore. Well, actually, the scene in Hannibal where Lecter starts carving that cop's brain while he's still alive kinda freaked me out a bit, but that's an exception.smiley - smiley

Anyways, I had that yucky goo shoved into my mouth when I was younger too. Only I think the stuff they shoved into my mouth was pink. Which I didn't think was much of a hit, since I was a boy, adn you know.. Anything pink when it comes to a boy in his early teens.. not a good match.

Anyways, you shouldn't think of your sister's leaving for Uni as something that'l last "for good". I mean, she'll probably come back home during the holidays and at the end of term and stuff, won't she? Then again. I'm not really known for my frequent trips home to see my parents and siblings. I blame that on being in a different country. Yeah, that sounds good.smiley - smiley

I never had any really good grades. Except for my English grade. That was basically it. That's the only subject i school that I've ever had an A in. Well, it was a 5 in the Swedish grading system, but it's the equivalent of an A. Anyways, I've never been much of a student. I tend to not like to do home work and stuff. But I never get any bad grades, either. Well, mostly I don't, anyways.

Hmm, I really shouldn't go on and on aboutstuff like this. I bet you're really bored of this, aren't you? I'll go do soemthing else instead. Have a nice weekend.

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 144

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I've had the pink version too...but it's turned blue now!

I think Blue Goo sounds better than Pink Goo anyway!smiley - winkeye

I know she'll come back! I'm not that upset to see her go! BUt I just mean that you know over half teh year she's gonna be in halls and I'm technically going to be oldest sister which is kinda freaky! Anyway i know she'll be back!...just means that my little sis will save up all the times I punch her and get Tweetie to beat the crap out of mesmiley - smiley

Haha English is brilliant this year because I am 1 of only 6 people in the year to get a 1 (top grade) in English! hehe!

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 145

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

You know, this staying away from home for great lengths of time has its good points.smiley - smiley I haven't seen anyone in my family since november of last year, and because of that, my folks have told me that if/when I go back home for a vacation, they can "sponsor" me with part of the air fare back home.smiley - smiley I think I'll just take two or three weeks off and only go to Sweden for about a week of that time. It gets me time to get rested both before and after I get back here.smiley - smiley

Blue goo is far better than Pink goo.

I sent a mail off to one of my "associates" at James Watt College the other day, asking him about an English course as a foreign language, just to get a sort of "proof" of that I can actually grasp the English language, something which I've never had before (except my talking to people all the time and never stopping). We'l just see what he has to say about it. I totally missed that the College had open days this weekend, or I'd have gone there to check things out a bit more. Maybe I'd have even tried getting myself signed up for something more than an English course... You never know, do you?

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 146

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Oooohhh.. And just as I typed this about the guy at James Watt College, he sent me a reply, giving me info about what he thought would be good.smiley - smiley He didn't even think I'd need the English as a foreign Language course.smiley - smiley Excellent.

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 147

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...


Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 148

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Extremely...smiley - smiley

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 149

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - laugh

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 150

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Are you still coming onto h2g2 anymore? I'm starting to wonder!

You'll be happy to know though that I will be getting rid of my brace as of the 31st of October, 7 years after I got my first brace and 7 months before I turn 17! Woohoo!

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 151

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Sorry.. Yes, I'm still here. I've been meddling about in a bunch of other threads, so I lost track of this thread. I'm sorry.

That is good news, you getting rid of your braces. Especialy after 7 years of having them.

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 152

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

tis alright me forgive you, you very good to talk to...and I have no idea why I'm talking like long as I don't start talking like Faye Ripley we'll be finesmiley - smiley

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 153

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Oh, heaven forbid that we start talking like her. *looking like he knows who Faye Ripley is*

So, anyways. How was the weekend?

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 154

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Boring...spent most of it doing homework! But tis better to do masses of homework and pass my exams than go out partying getting drunk and getting groundedsmiley - smiley

(Faye Ripley is the one who plays Jenny in Coldfeet)

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 155

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

I would agree that gettign grounded for getting drunk isn't a really good way to spend a weekend. Or any day of the week for that matter.

Can I ask you a question? Well, even if I can't I still will, so there's not much point in asking permission, is there? Anyways....
If you were out walking/going somewhere by taxi with your friends, and you came across a mobile phone that someone had obviously lost, and it was on. What would you do with it? Would you use it (after all, you're not paying the bill for it, are you?) or would you bring it in somewhere (like telling the taxi driver, or taking it to the police station or something)?

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 156

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I'd give it to the taxi driver to take back to the depo so the person could collect it...or take it to the police...or if there was a home number in it (mine has my house number) I would ring it and tell the person they'd dropped it and arrange to give it back to them asap...was that the answer you were looking for?

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 157

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Yup, that's the answer I was looking for.. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that way.. I lost my phone in a cab about a month and a half ago, and when I got the bill for it, someone had found it and used it, so I had a bill of a total of almost £700...

BTW, no wonder I didn't know who Faye Ripley is. I've never watched Cold Feet.smiley - smiley

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 158

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

i hope you didn't pay it!

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 159

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Nothing I could do about it.. I had to pay.. The calls were made from my phone. The phone company just told me that I should have blocked the phone, or reported it missing or lost as soon as I found out that I'd lost it. I can't say that I like it, though...

Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

Post 160

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

That's so s**tty!

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Stupid Bloody Scottish Weather!

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