Journal Entries


After a few weeks back from vacation, I've realized that I probably ought to describe the events that occurred during my foray into the world outside cyberspace. My winter break was certainly one of the more interesting periods of my recent life. Most of it was nothing too special--a couple of low-key early New Year's parties and a certain amount of clubbing--but the nights of December 30th and 31st were exceedingly memorable. On the 30th my girlfriends and I had a very giggly "generalized holiday party" sort of affair, at which two Marines eventually showed up in the company of another friend of ours--which was when the real fun started. One of them got just drunk enough to react very entertainingly when we messed with his head in various ways; my constantly playing with a knife seemed to freak him out quite a bit. The other one got drunk enough, or influenced enough by the attention of all us females--most likely both--to offer no more than token resistance to being dressed, piece by piece, in drag--makeup included. We took a large number of pictures in lovely poses, and finally dragged him to a convenience store where he made quite an impression.

The next night's party was less phenomenal, but still a lot of fun. There were a largish number of my friends there, along with good food, movies, Silly String, and lots and lots of sparkling cider, a considerable amount of which wound up soaking my good clothes after I made an ill-considered remark concerning the inaccuracy of the assertion that a new millennium had just begun. Humph. Well, anyhow, the bunch of us partied down in various ways until 6 or so in the morning, and then went clubbing the next night in order to continue the festivities. All in all, I feel the new year was most thoroughly rung in by all of us.

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Latest reply: Feb 5, 2000

Beauty and violence

American Beauty was excellent. Just as thought-provoking as I expected, and much less depressing. In fact, it sparked a very lengthy discussion of life in general with an acquaintance who, on the basis thereof, has been upgraded to friend.

Meanwhile, I managed today to successfully defend my claws against the evil clippers of doom. It took two large males to hold me down, and they tried for a good ten minutes to get at my nails before I finally struggled free and they, bruised and bleeding, gave up. I think they were rather impressed.

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Latest reply: Nov 21, 1999

More nocturnal adventures

How is it that even while looking straight up at the sky for a good hour or two during a meteor storm, I only catch sight of four meteors? This must have something to do with the reason I've never seen any before this. Apparently they avoid me.

Oh well, it was cool anyway. Very cold, in fact. But seriously, it was fun--and as a direct result of last night's adventure, I now have a chance to see that movie I've been wanting to catch. Life is still good, it seems.

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 1999

Well, today was distinctly not a triumph. While chipping several inches of ice off the freezer section of my neighbors' refrigerator, I somehow managed to puncture one of the tubes and release all of the pressurized freon contained therein into the room. Several minutes of chaos followed as the four or five of us evacuated the room, shut the door, and called up everyone we knew while also frantically searching the Internet in a desperate effort to find out how poisonous the stuff was--at least one or two of us had definitely inhaled a significant amount. After much too long, we finally discovered that the reason it's no longer legal has to do with its being harmful to the ozone layer, not to humans. But nevertheless, my neigbors are now out one mini-fridge. Somehow I don't think I'm gonna live this one down for a while.

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Latest reply: Nov 13, 1999


Today was a rather triumphant occasion: for the first time I managed to abscond with and later return one of my suitemates' possessions without ever being suspected of the deed. Granted, I was accused by one or two people who were tossing out accusations at random, but for once they didn't seriously think I was behind it, and I seem to have been doing a better acting job than I do normally. The fact that the possession in question was a rather large bicycle frame, needless to say, made the triumph all the greater, as did the fact that no one even noticed its disappearance until some hours after the fact and that all of the parties concerned are still under the impression that the heist took place considerably later than it did.

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Latest reply: Oct 31, 1999

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