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ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Started conversation Sep 20, 2007
Or I suppose 'welcome back' is the applicable phrase. I'm popping in as one of the <./>aces</.> here...a Canadian one at that. I'm sure you'd like a bit of a 'refresher'(so to speak). So take your time going over my colleague Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840, as well as examining the various features in the process. As a Canadian resident you're more than welcome to join the Canadian Researchers' Club at A1037323, and feel free to drop in and meet a few of the other Canadians here at F19585?thread=252800&latest=1 (that's our 'lounge' of sorts).
And don't hesitate to leave me a message if you have any questions. I'll help if I can, or if need be I'll call on someone else for assistance, ok.
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
Archee_Waters Posted Sep 21, 2007
I read your "about this researcher" and want to say that it sounds like you have good taste. Having been an avid dark chocolate and strong coffee aficionado myself! Thanks for making me feel welcome. Are you east or west Canadian? I'm interested in live weather and temperature variations for comparison. No other reason than living in the moment and appreciating differences in situations. I find the weather channel a bit of an overload so prefer chatting with others in diverse geographic locations instead. : )
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Sep 21, 2007
Good to hear from you & thanks for the compliment! Oh and you're welcome. We aces were newbies ourselves, once upon a time so we've volunteered to greet newbies & essentially give them 'the lay of the land'.
I'm in western Canada, Edmonton Alberta to be specific. Weather-wise we have a CBC building in the central part of the city, so I'd assume live or on-the-spot weather(oh with live web & traffic cams) - . Whereabouts are you located?
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
Archee_Waters Posted Oct 2, 2007
I'm in Saint-Georges, about an hour south of Quebec City in the northern Appalachians.
Dude, I just looked at your forecast and it says light snow!
We have a mixture of sun and cloud at 20 degrees:
Closest web cam is here:
No web cam in our town because we're too small but I often look at the one in Montreal since I'm from there originally.
That's a four hour drive, which I diligently make every second weekend to see family.
It's nice to live in a city like Edmonton, eh?
I miss people - yes, there are people here but not as many (30,000).
: )
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Oct 2, 2007
But good to hear from you! I visited Montreal years ago...mid 80s, I think. My cousin worked for The Gazette at that time, she's since been transferred out to Victoia, B.C. But yes Edmonton is nice...never really left(well only temporarily), y'know 'born'n'raised' as they say.
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
Archee_Waters Posted Oct 11, 2007
I'm so lame in replying in a timely fashion!
I did scope out the Canadian links you first sent me.
They look interesting - just feeling them out for now.
It would be nice (different topic) if the messages we post when replying had a time stamp the way Facebook does it, especially since people are from different time zones so we could have a concept of the delay...
That's my mind wandering again - if you see it near by, please send it back. Hee, hee, hee!
We're expecting rain here tomorrow so temperatures will be dropping below the 10-degree mark. I knew I should have bought that coat when I went shopping at lunch. No regrets though as I'm sure it will be there when I get back from Montreal this weekend seeing as so few people live here. Just kidding, most of the new stock was already bought out by the fashionably chic (teenagers with gobs of time on their hands).
There's my other intrigue, why does time seem to fly by so fast whenever I raise my head from wherever it's buried at the moment?
: )
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Oct 12, 2007
Oh no problemo about getting back to me! On the time-zones thing I've often made very hasty references to ...not as often these days. One of the first people I 'spoke' to here, Hati(in Estonia)has an interesting conversational way of dealing with the time diff. - it's not 'good morning' or 'good evening', it's simply 'ning (nice flexabilty there, it can be whichever is applicable).
We never did get that snow last month, although I seem to remember hearing that Calgary south of us did. But they're closer to The Rockies & get those warm Chinook winds - so, temp. drop & 3 inches of snow Fri. night but it's pretty much back to T-shirt, shorts & sandals by noon Sat. Weather here has been glorious, but then Sept. & Oct. usually are for the most part(a few grey/overcast days). November can be iffy though it usually starts out decent enough.
*sigh*Same conundrum here , I just try to keep my head above water & my fly zipped!
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
Archee_Waters Posted Oct 20, 2007
I just signed up for the Canadian Club (not the drink - the actual club) that you had referred me to earlier.
It's about five minutes past one on a Saturday afternoon and I'm at work. Had to make up a day I missed Monday, which I refused to trade for a vacation day.
Planning to head to South Carolina by car during Christmas to meet up with friends I used to work with in New Orleans, so I need all my vacation days for that. They want to see how my Mini Cooper handles on mountain roads. It doesn't, but any excuse for a party!
Got a CD in the computer - Classic Rock. Bought a couple of CD's while in Cape Cod on Labour Day weekend. Also while visiting other old friends from a different job in New Jersey. Geez, not a mob job! It's a regular job in an office not too different from this one here in Canada.
Yup, I am still getting my work done. This is merely an interlude. I'm preparing to jump workstations and start scanning in the next booth. I design fabrics so I'm inputting the graphic file at the moment.
How’s your weekend going? : )
ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Oct 20, 2007
The weekend is going good, a very slow & quiet one so far which is ok. A nice sunny one out there although cool, only 7.5 C. Put on a good warm jacket & walk the weather, I guess. A rather lazy afternoon for me - just fixed a second cup of
, will likely have a couple Mamma Says- , recntly acquired by Nonni's -Biscotti(I had thought made in New Jersey, but it's New York). No travel plans really, except a few short trips at Christmas. Blues on the radio, just now where it was Jazz only moments ago. I like some variety in my music & Classic Rock is definitely in there! Oh speaking of that, I've got a couple online radio sites you might be interested in, an American one from Chicago & a Canadian one from the Ottawa area I think . You'll need to register with each, but that's free.
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ace's welcome Archee_Waters!
- 1: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Sep 20, 2007)
- 2: Archee_Waters (Sep 21, 2007)
- 3: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Sep 21, 2007)
- 4: Archee_Waters (Oct 2, 2007)
- 5: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Oct 2, 2007)
- 6: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Oct 2, 2007)
- 7: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Oct 2, 2007)
- 8: Archee_Waters (Oct 11, 2007)
- 9: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Oct 12, 2007)
- 10: Archee_Waters (Oct 20, 2007)
- 11: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Oct 20, 2007)
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