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Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Sep 11, 2000
That would have been quite amusing without the simulpost.
Demon Drawer Posted Sep 11, 2000
Cheers I need this tea as I've jsut seen the draw for the Club Singles at the Bowls.
I'm not really here Posted Sep 11, 2000
It was amusing anyway Ev.
Or as someone just said in another forum a-Muse-ing.
Cynthia Posted Sep 13, 2000
I thought bras were supposed to be hand washed and not put into the washing machine. I've found that putting them through the machine stretches them out of shape, the elastic furls and they don't look so hot anymore. Get your rubber gloves on lady
I'm not really here Posted Sep 13, 2000
~muttering and moaning pulls on rubber gloves~
I'll wash the new ones by hand then.
~feels chastised~
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Sep 13, 2000
Funny how people crop up unexpectedly in the middle of a perfectly normal conversation about bras, isn't it?
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: I'm not really here (Sep 11, 2000)
- 42: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Sep 11, 2000)
- 43: I'm not really here (Sep 11, 2000)
- 44: Demon Drawer (Sep 11, 2000)
- 45: I'm not really here (Sep 11, 2000)
- 46: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Sep 11, 2000)
- 47: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Sep 11, 2000)
- 48: Demon Drawer (Sep 11, 2000)
- 49: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Sep 11, 2000)
- 50: I'm not really here (Sep 11, 2000)
- 51: Demon Drawer (Sep 11, 2000)
- 52: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Sep 11, 2000)
- 53: Cynthia (Sep 13, 2000)
- 54: I'm not really here (Sep 13, 2000)
- 55: Demon Drawer (Sep 13, 2000)
- 56: I'm not really here (Sep 13, 2000)
- 57: Demon Drawer (Sep 13, 2000)
- 58: I'm not really here (Sep 13, 2000)
- 59: Demon Drawer (Sep 13, 2000)
- 60: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Sep 13, 2000)
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