This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here


Post 1

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)


Re: my posting on the London Olympic Bid thread.

I'm sorry if you found that posting offensive. Having been kept awake until the early hours of the morning by teenagers rampaging around Somerstown on stolen scooters, and been intimidated by drug dealers and their dogs by the canal, I have reason to say what I said.

I'm aware that the words Chav & crusty are generalisations, and that not everyone in a hoody & everyone with a dog on a string is a criminal or antisocial, but I do feel that in an environment such as H2G2 the need for (and convenience of) generalisation is understood.

Again, if the posting caused offence, I sincerely apologise. No offence was intended.


Post 2

I'm not really here

Thank you for coming over. Maybe this picture of me (I'm not the badger) A608438 will show why I objected. Having dreads means that when I hear that 'crusties' need to be cleared out of somewhere I tend to get very baity. That's not what I consider myself to be, but I get called it, and so I objected to being told that 'they' are trying to clear 'us' out of somewhere.

Camden is one of the few places I can go where to be normal is to be different, so it was a bit upsetting. If you want a quiet life, I suggest you come and live in my town. smiley - biggrin (That's not a serious suggestion of course, I'm not trying to say if you don't like your area uproot yourself).


Post 3

I'm not really here

And my smiley - dog only gets put on a bit of string when I've forgotten his lead. Which has happened more than a few times...


Post 4

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I have a couple of friends with with dreads (though less than I used to since I hit my thirties), and also a friend who has a dog on a string. So, as you gathered, I'm generalising, not judging. Sorry, that sounds hugely patronising, but it's genuine!

I think I'd better shut up now before digging this hole any deepersmiley - winkeye


Post 5

I'm not really here

I should learn not to take things so personally.

I'm sure we're both lovely people really, so let's just chat about being old and grey. smiley - biggrin


Post 6

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)


I had to bail last night, was getting a little drunk (having surveyed the damage this morning, I've realised that my flatmate and I got through 4 bottles of Chardonnay) so wasn't in a state to hold a normal conversation! I'm currently taking what is colloquially (spelling?) known as a sickie. I start feeling very guilty every time I go to the kitchen as I can see my office from there (big tower block by Warren Street tube station).


Post 7

I'm not really here

Evening! I've been out all day today, sunshine and trying to clear up the last few bits of my grandmother's 'estate'.

If you live so close to your office, does that mean that you've had to hide behind the curtains? smiley - biggrin

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